澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 男子巴黎行凶被击毙 摇滚乐之父查克贝里离世(在线收听

The top stories from ABC News.


The federal opposition says the government must find another way to pay for changes to the childcare system. The coalition has bundled planned increases to childcare subsidies with a range of welfare cuts making the measures unlikely to pass the senate. The legislation will be introduced to the upper house this week.


A man shot dead at a Paris airport after trying to grab a soldier's gun is believed to have been attempting a terrorist attack. French authorities say the man swayed towards radical Islam and had a long history of criminal convictions. The man's father, brother and cousin have been detained for questioning.


Rock legend Chuck Berry is being remembered as one of rock n roll's founding pioneers. The singer and guitarist died in his home state of Missouri — he was 90 years old. He had a string of international hits in the 1950's including Roll Over Beethoven, Sweet Little Sixteen and Johnny B Goode.

摇滚乐传奇巨星查克·贝里将作为摇滚乐奠基先驱被人们铭记。歌手兼吉他手查克·贝里在家乡密苏里州去世,享年90岁。上世纪50年代,他的名曲《碾过贝多芬》、《甜蜜的十六岁》以及《Johnny B. Goode》等红遍全球。

And Australian's have claimed both the men's and women's titles at the World Surf League event on the Gold Coast. Steph Gilmore collected her first title since 2014. And Owen Wright completed an extraordinary comeback in his first event since suffering a brain injury just over 12 months ago.


And those are the latest headlines from ABC News.

