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The top stories on ABC News.


The US says the Syrian government is trying to cover up mass executions at a large military prison. A US state department official says satellite photos appear to show a crematorium has been built at a prison near Damascus. And human rights organisation Amnesty International says it has spoken to a number of people who support that claim.


The White House has denied the US president revealed sensitive information to the Russian foreign minister. The Washington Post says sources claim Donald Trump discussed an Islamic State terror plot with Sergei Lavrov last week in the Oval Office. Divisions are emerging among senior Republicans in the wake of the allegations with House speaker Paul Ryan calling for a full explanation of what took place.


Researchers say a remote and uninhabited island in the South Pacific has become a giant garbage dump. The beaches of the world heritage listed Henderson Island contain about thirty-eight million tonnes of plastic. Ocean currents make the island a focal point for rubbish from South America and fishing boats.


And AFL player Jesse Hogan is expected to make a full recovery, after having surgery today for testicular cancer. Doctors say the Melbourne forward was lucky to have discovered the tumour last Tuesday and should return to the field in about eight weeks.

