澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 墨尔本发生人质劫持事件 澳大利亚政府担心中国干预内政(在线收听

The top stories on ABC News.


Counter-terrorism police are searching the home of Yacqub Khayre — the gunman behind yesterday's attack in Melbourne. They've sealed off his home at Roxburgh Park in the city's north. Yesterday afternoon, Khayre killed a man working at an apartment block in Brighton and then held a woman hostage for two hours before he died in a shoot-out with police.


The prime minister says authorities have serious concerns around two Australians who may have been caught up in the London attack on Saturday. One of them, Sara Zelenak, was reportedly last seen on London Bridge at the time of the attack and her family has not heard from her since.


Indian firm Adani is pushing ahead with its Carmichael coal mine in central Queensland with its board today giving the project the green light. But the company needs to raise more finance and it's still seeking a loan from the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility. Queensland's premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has welcomed the news, saying the mine will create many jobs in the region.


And the prime minister has ordered a major inquiry into Australia's espionage laws amid concerns over Chinese influence in Australian politics. A Fairfax-ABC investigation has revealed Australia's spy agency ASIO warned the major parties against taking donations from two billionaires with links to China's Communist Party, but they continued anyway.

