澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 葡萄牙森林火灾至少57人死亡 美国军舰与菲律宾籍货船相撞(在线收听

Portuguese officials say that at least 57 people have been killed in catastrophic forest fires in the central part of the country. Many of the victims died in their cars in the Pedrogao Grande area when flames swept over a road. Several firefighters are said to be among the dozens of people injured.


Protesters have taken to the streets of London for a second day, angry and desperate for answers over the Grenfell Tower fire. The death toll from the blaze has reached 58, with British police warning that number is expected to rise.

伦敦抗议活动进入第二天,愤怒的抗议者急于得到Grenfell Tower火灾的真相。目前该火灾的死亡人数已上升至58人,英国警方警告称,死亡人数可能进一步上升。

The commander of the US 7th fleet says the USS Fitzgerald took on a tremendous amount of water and came close to sinking after a collision with a container ship in the sea off Japan. Seven sailors on board the warship were killed in the crash.


The federal government is racing the clock to secure support for its school funding plan. It needs ten senate cross-bench votes before parliament breaks for winter this week. Labor has vowed to sink the Gonski 2.0 plan.


And those are the latest headlines from ABC News.

