美联社新闻一分钟 AP 黎巴嫩首都发生巨大爆炸(在线收听

This is AP News Minute.


After crashing ashore near the South Carolina-North Carolina border, Category 1 hurricane Tropical-storm Isaias swept up through the northeast on Tuesday. At least four people have been killed by the storm.


More than 25 people were killed and over 2,500 were injured in a huge explosion that rocked Beirut. The blast flattened much of the city's port, damaging buildings and sent a giant mushroom cloud into the sky. The cause of the blast was not immediately known。


United Nation's chief Antonio Guterres is warning that worldwide educational disruption due to COVID-19 could be a generational catastrophe. Guterres called the crisis the largest disruption education in history and called governments to pump funding into education.

联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)警告称,新冠肺炎造成的全球教育中断可能是一代人的灾难。古特雷斯称,这场危机是有史以来对教育的最大破坏,并呼吁各国政府向教育投入资金。

And small-scale miner in Tanzania who become an overnight millionaire a month ago when he found 2 huge Tanzanite stones, has unearthed a third. The three stones are valued at more than $5.4 million.

