2020年经济学人 切尔迪好村长拉斯洛·波格丹(1)(在线收听

Laszlo Bogdan, mayor of Cserdi, died on July 14th, aged 46


Along the walls of his office in Cserdi, a village of around 350 souls in the gentle hills of southern Hungary, Laszlo Bogdan strung several clothes lines. Pegged to them were hundreds of messages written to “Laci”, as they called him: “People are good!” “Our parents have work”. “We have a good mayor”. These were the voices of the villagers, who since his election as mayor in 2006 had seen their world transformed.


Cserdi had once been strewn with rubble and dilapidated houses, with idle, jobless men brawling outside. Petty crime was rampant: up to 300 cases a year, with neighbouring villages terrorised. Now everything was orderly. The houses were neat, and many had gained bathrooms. Small parks had appeared. Out in the fields women worked with hoes, and men with spades, to plant potatoes or dig wells.


Four giant plastic greenhouses sheltered crops of peppers and tomatoes. In a good year the village could produce 160,000kg of quality vegetables, with the surplus going to the poor of the county. Officials from far and wide came to inspect this “Cserdi miracle”. But Mayor Laci, pacing up and down with his purple scarf knotted fashionably round his neck, was still dissatisfied. Was it really so special, so exotic, to see Gypsies working? He spoke as one, a proud Cigany (he hated “Roma”), who revelled in garish shirts that emphasised his Gypsyness, and delivered his vegetables in a red Zsiguli car with a swinging rosary of the sort only Gypsies drove.

