2020年经济学人 一周要闻 美国从德国撤军 欧洲恐新冠卷土重来 英国对西实行入境隔离(在线收听

The world this week




There were fears in Europe of a resurgence of COVID-19. Catalonia returned to a form of lockdown. Britain announced that people arriving from Spain, including British tourists coming back from the beach, should quarantine for 14 days. The Spanish government was irked. Croatia, Germany, Luxembourg and Romania all saw localised spikes of coronavirus. Still, Europeans are much better prepared now than they were when the pandemic began.


Najib Razak, Malaysia’s prime minister from 2009 to 2018, was sentenced to 12 years in jail and fined $49m after being found guilty of seven charges related to the theft of billions of dollars from 1mdb, a development fund. He still faces verdicts in other trials. Mr Naijb, who said he thought the vast fortune in his personal bank account was a donation from a Saudi royal, remains free, pending an appeal.

2009年至2018年担任马来西亚总理的纳吉布·拉扎克(Najib Razak)被判12年监禁,并处罚金4900万美元。此前,他被判七项罪名成立,罪名是窃取一马发展公司(1MDB)数十亿美元资金。他还面临着其他审判的判决。纳吉布表示,他认为自己个人银行账户中的巨额财富是一位沙特王室所赠,他现在仍然是自由身,等待上诉。

The US defence secretary, Mark Esper, announced the withdrawal of nearly 12,000 American troops from Germany. President Donald Trump had criticised Germany’s reluctance to spend more on defence. Mr Esper said the decision would bolster nato and deter Russia. He suggested that some of the troops could be redeployed on Russia’s doorstep around the Black Sea and in the Baltic countries.

美国国防部长马克·埃斯珀(Mark Esper)宣布将从德国撤出近1.2万名美军。美国总统特朗普曾批评德国不愿增加国防支出。埃斯珀表示,这一决定将支持北约,威慑俄罗斯。他建议,将一些军队重新部署在黑海附近的俄罗斯家门口和波罗的海国家。

The federal quasi-military agents sent to Portland to help quell violent protests are to leave the city’s centre, on the condition that Oregon provides security to protect the federal courthouse there.


South Africa took a $4.3bn emergency loan from the IMF to soften the economic shock of COVID-19. The loan marks a big change for South Africa, which had previously shunned the imf so as not to dilute its economic sovereignty.


Perrance Shiri, Zimbabwe’s agriculture minister, died, reportedly of COVID-19. He led the Fifth Brigade in Matabeleland in the 1980s, which tortured and massacred thousands of suspected opponents of the despot, Robert Mugabe, and their families. He once likened himself to Jesus, since he decided who lived and who died.

据报道,津巴布韦农业部长Perrance Shiri死于新冠肺炎。20世纪80年代,他在马塔贝莱兰领导了第五旅,拷问和屠杀了数千名被疑是独裁者罗伯特·穆加贝(Robert Mugabe)的反对者及其家人。他曾自喻为耶稣,因为他手中紧握着生死大权。

Parliamentarians in Somalia voted to remove Hassan Ali Khaire as prime minister. America, which supports the Somali army in its fight against the jihadists of al-Shabab, called the process flawed. Lawmakers say Mr Khaire failed to prepare the country for elections next year.

