密歇根新闻广播 了解一度曾是邮局的密歇根州上半岛(在线收听

Even in these days of email, Skype and FaceTime, we all know the purpose of a Post Office: to sort and deliver "snail mail."

But Lucy Blair wanted to dig deeper. She and her wife Lina wanted to know what story the post office building tells about the community, and the people who depend on it.

The two set out to photograph each and every post office in the Upper Peninsula.

After more than four and a half years they've completed their journey, and tell the story in their new book Post Offices of the Upper Peninsula.

Blair tells us that the project was born of a desire to simply learn more about the U.P.

"So we decided to go to every town in the U.P. and for us it felt like the most definitive way to do that would be to see every post office," she says.

She tells us about their journey in our conversation above.
