新奇事件簿 非洲消除营养不良目标难实现(在线收听

A new report shows that no country in Africa will meet goals set to end childhood malnutrition by the year 2030. That target was set by the United Nations in 2015 as a Sustainable Development Goal. The UN adopted a set of goals, "to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda". The new report is published in the journal Nature. It identifies poor child nutrition and low levels of education across 51 African countries. These were key factors in countries battling to provide children with sufficient food. Researcher Simon Hay said the goal of ending childhood malnutrition was always an "aspirational" target. He said: "This aspiration is very, very far away."

一份新报告指出,没有一个非洲国家能够实现截止2030年消除儿童营养不良的目标。该目标于2015年由联合国制定,作为一项可持续发展目标。UN通过了一组“将消除贫困,保护地球,确保全球繁荣作为可持续发展新议程的一部分”的目标。新报告发表于《自然》期刊。报告对51个非洲国家糟糕的儿童营养情况以及低教育水平进行了确认。这些都是非洲国家为儿童提供充足食物战争中的重要因素。研究人员Simon Hay表示消除儿童营养不良的目标总是一项“雄心勃勃”的目标。他说道:“这种志向还非常非常遥远。”

There was some good news in the report. It highlighted the fact that many African nations, including Ghana and Nigeria, have shown signs of improvement in childhood development since the year 2000. However, it is a different story for countries like Chad, Central African Republic and Eritrea. The report indicates that malnutrition remained "persistently high" in 14 countries between Senegal in the west and Somalia in the east. Many of these countries have experienced war, famine and mass migration, all of which have put massive strains on health and agriculture. One researcher said considerable investment was needed in health and infrastructure in order to address "serious inequalities".

