新奇事件簿 被巴黎地铁罚款的孕妇(在线收听

A pregnant woman got into trouble while she was using the Metro in Paris. She was given a 60-euro fine for walking the wrong way along a station platform. Sixty euros is about $74. The woman said she took a shortcut because she wanted to save some time on her journey. However, inspectors at Concorde station caught her and immediately fined her. A spokesman for the Paris Metro told the AFP news agency that the woman correctly got a fine for not following the rules. He said the rules were there to control the flow of people so everyone can get to trains or out of stations more quickly. He added that the "walk this way" systems are clearly marked with easy-to-see signs in the stations.

一名孕妇在巴黎搭乘地铁时遇上了麻烦。她因沿着站台行走而被罚款60欧元。60欧元约74美元。这名女士表示自己只是为了节约时间而抄近路。但Concorde 站点的巡视人员抓住了她并立即对此作出处罚。巴黎地铁发言人告诉法新社,这名女士没有遵守规则,此次罚款有理有据。他表示制定规则是为了管控人潮,这样每个人才能更加快速地搭乘或下地铁。他还说道,“走这条路”制度已明确标明在地铁站的指示牌上,很容易看到。

The incident has got lots of people talking on social media. Many users are angry that a pregnant woman was fined because she didn't want to walk a long way. A spokesman for a passenger group said the fine was "completely stupid" and that the rules needed to change. A woman on social media complained with a similar story. She said: "I was the only person in the corridor when they stopped me. It's unacceptable." The Metro responded to complaints with a message that read: "I am sorry that this situation surprises you, but these are the current regulations. In the same way that if a car drives in a prohibited area, the car's driver (who is breaking the law) receives a fine."

