新奇事件簿 NFL首次迎来男性啦啦队员(在线收听

Fans of the USA's National Football League (NFL) will soon be in for a surprise. For the first time ever, an NFL team will have male cheerleaders in its ranks. The Los Angeles Rams have recruited two men as part of its official spirit squad (the term often given to the cheerleader team). Quinton Peron and Napoleon Jinnies will be the first men in NFL history to perform the same dance routines alongside their female counterparts. Other NFL teams have men who perform stunts, but they do not dance. Quinton and Napoleon are both classically trained dancers with years of performing experience. They were selected after impressing judges in a rigorous three-week-long process of auditions and interviews.

美国全国橄榄球联赛(NFL)的粉丝们一定会大吃一惊。因为一支NFL球队的拉拉队将首次迎来男性队员。洛杉矶公羊队雇佣了两名男性加入其官方加油小队(拉拉队中的术语)。Quinton Peron以及Napoleon Jinnies将成为NFL历史上的首位男性队员并在女性队员旁边表演同样的舞蹈动作。其他NFL球队有男性特技演员,但是他们不跳舞。Quinton和Napoleon都是专业舞者,他们有着多年的表演经验。在经过为期三周的试演和面试后,他们脱颖而出。

The current captain of the LA Rams cheerleader squad, Emily Leibert, enthused about her new colleagues in an interview on the TV show Good Morning America. She said: "They really just fit the bill to be a Los Angeles Rams cheerleader. They are intelligent; they are eloquent; they are more than qualified to be ambassadors out in the community." Leibert added: "They bring so much energy and there's something so magnetic about their performance that you really can't take your eyes off them." Napoleon was equally enthusiastic about joining the Rams. He praised the team for welcoming inclusivity and said he was "humbled" by his new role. He said he wanted to prove that "boys can dance too".

