新奇事件簿 冰岛第一夫人身着夹克出席典礼(在线收听

The First Lady of Iceland, Eliza Reid, has turned heads at a movie awards ceremony. Fashion reporters said Ms Reid wore a "stunning" black jacket to the Edda Awards - Iceland's version of Hollywood's Academy Awards. Ms Reid wore black to show her support for the #metoo movement. However, unlike most people who attend glamorous awards shows, Ms Reid did not spend a fortune on her clothes. When reporters asked her where she had purchased her jacket, she said she bought it in a local Red Cross charity store in Iceland's capital city. The Icelandic Red Cross was very happy about this news. It told its followers on Twitter that the first lady looked, "awesome in a gorgeous jacket from the Red Cross".


Eliza Reid is originally from Canada and works as a journalist. She met her husband, President Gudni Johannesson, when she was studying at Oxford University. Ms Reid told the Hit Iceland website in 2017 that she "won" a blind date with the future president at a rowing club event. She had no idea she would one day become First Lady of Iceland. Both she and her husband are very popular in Iceland for being just like normal people. They both have a very down-to-earth attitude and can often be seen in the city shopping with their four children and going to restaurants. The Red Cross also likes Ms Reid. It hopes more people will follow her fashion sense and buy clothes from its charity shops.

埃莉萨·里德原籍加拿大,是一名记者。在牛津大学学习期间遇上了她的丈夫,古德尼·约翰内松总统。2017年,里德女士告诉Hit Iceland网站,她在赛艇俱乐部比赛上“赢得了”一次与未来总统的浪漫约会。她从未想过自己未来会成为冰岛第一夫人。她和丈夫如平民般的生活使他们在冰岛非常受欢迎。他们都有着非常脚踏实的态度并且大家经常能在市里看到他们带着四个孩子购物吃饭。红十字会同样点赞里德女士。红十字会希望越来越多的人们跟随她的时尚感并从红十字会的慈善商店中买衣服。

