新奇事件簿 中国某社交媒体撤销同性恋禁令(在线收听

One of China's largest social media sites, Weibo, has reversed a ban on users posting online content related to LGBT issues. On Friday, the social networking giant issued a statement announcing that for the next three months, it would be deleting images, cartoons and videos that were "related to homosexuality". It also said it would remove content with "pornographic implications" or content that promoted "bloody violence". The Internet company said it was part of a new "clean-up campaign" that intended "to create a sunny and harmonious community environment" within China's online community. It also said it was complying with China's cyber-security laws.

中国最大的社交媒体网站之一,微博撤销其禁止用户网上发布和同性恋问题相关内容的禁令。周五,社交网络巨头发声明宣布在未来三个月,其将删除“和同性恋相关”的图片、卡通动画和视频。还称将删除含有“色情暗示”或提倡“血腥暴力”的内容。互联网公司表示这是一项新“清理运动”一部分,该运动旨在为中国网络社区 “创造阳光和谐的社区环境”。并称该举措是在遵循中国网络安全法。

Weibo reversed the decision on Monday following a passionate public outcry from the country's Internet users. Many of Weibo's LGBT community responded to the initial ban by posting photos of themselves with their partners, often adding rainbow emojis. Many people cited China's constitution, which protects minorities. One user said the constitution maintains that the "personal dignity" of citizens is "inviolable" and that insult directed against citizens is prohibited. A woman from Shanghai posted: "I suddenly find that in this strong country, Weibo is discriminating against and attacking this sexual minority." Weibo responded to the outcry by reversing its decision and thanking everyone for the discussion.

