新奇事件簿 蟑螂奶 要来一杯么(在线收听

It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but scientists say cockroach milk could become a new superfood. Insect dairy could be the next big thing on supermarket shelves and in our diets. Scientists say insect milk could be a perfect non-dairy alternative to cow's milk, no matter how hard it might be for people to accept milk from bugs. Scientists studied the nutritional value of the milk from the Pacific Beetle cockroach. They discovered that the milk was much richer in nutrients than dairy milk. Scientists said: "A single crystal [of cockroach milk] is estimated to contain more than three times the energy of an equivalent mass of dairy milk." The crystals were also full of amino acids and proteins.


Most cockroaches do not actually produce milk. The Pacific Beetle cockroach is the only one known to feed milk to its young. However, milking enough cockroaches to satisfy a growing human population clearly isn't as easy as milking cows. An alternative is to try and replicate the milk in a lab using stem cell technology, and then turn this technique into a large-scale industrial process. A South African company called Gourmet Grubb has already started selling insect-milk ice cream. It says the milk is, "a sustainable, nature-friendly, nutritious, lactose-free, delicious, guilt-free dairy alternative of the future". It won't be too long before other companies jump on the bug-milk bandwagon.

其实大多数蟑螂是不产奶的。太平洋硕蠊是唯一一种给下一代喂奶的已知种类。然而,要挤出能够满足不断增长人口的蟑螂奶并不像挤牛奶一样容易。有一种选择是尝试利用实验室干细胞技术复制这种蟑螂奶,并将这种技术大规模运用于工厂加工。南非一家叫做Gourmet Grubb的公司已经开始销售昆虫奶制的冰淇淋。公司表示这种奶,“是未来的一种可持续、环保、营养、无糖且美味的替代选择,吃了也不会有负罪感”。用不了多久,其他公司就会扑向这种昆虫奶潮流。
