澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳大利亚拳手荣膺新科世界次中量级拳王 叙利亚首都发生多起爆炸(在线收听

Hello, Jason Om with the top stories on ABC News.


Australian boxer Jeff Horn says he's still coming to terms with being crowned the new world welterweight champion. The Brisbane school teacher defeated legendary Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao in twelve rounds. Horn won the fight in a unanimous points decision.


Opposition leader Bill Shorten says he will take the issue of penalty rates to the next election and has pledged to reverse cuts within 100 days of winning office. As of today some workers' Sunday rates will be cut following a Fair Work Commission decision earlier this year. Labor says 700-thousand Australians will be affected by the changes.


Syrian state TV is reporting that a series of car bomb explosions has hit the capital, Damascus, killing at least eight people. One of those killed was a suicide bomber in a car, who detonated his explosive after he was surrounded by security forces. A number of people were injured in the blasts.


And the Indigenous Affairs minister Nigel Scullion has called for indigenous languages to be taught in every Australian school as NAIDOC Week focuses on their value. The theme "Our Language Matters" aims to celebrate and highlight the importance of indigenous languages in cultural identity.

