澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳大利亚总理为执政方式辩护 击败ISIS后伊拉克仍面临挑战(在线收听

Hello, Jason Om with the latest headlines on ABC News.


The prime minister has defended his centrist governing style saying the Liberal Party was never meant to be conservative. Malcolm Turnbull made the bold claim while receiving an award in London ruffling the feathers of his ultra right critics. He says party founder Robert Menzies was a moderate and progressive leader.


The Iraqi prime minister, Haider al-Abadi, has warned there are many more challenges for his country, despite formally claiming victory against the Islamic State group in Mosul. Three years after the militants seized the city, the armed forces have re-taken control of it. Much of Mosul is in ruins after nine-months of urban warfare.


A former policeman has been jailed for life for the attempted murder of his ex wife and two children in Brisbane. The 44 year old's own barrister described the 2014 attack as something out of a horror movie.


And New South Wales captain Boyd Cordner has been cleared to play in tomorrow night's final State Origin Match in Brisbane. Cordner injured a calf muscle in game two last month in Sydney. Queensland fullback Billy Slater's also set to take part in what's been called the most anticipated Origin clash in history.


And those are the latest headlines from ABC News.

