澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 西班牙国王出席巴塞罗那恐袭死难者追思活动 澳军事基地参与美国军事行动(在线收听

Hello, Neena Mairata with the latest headlines from abc news.


Spain's King and Queen joined mourners at Barcelona's Sagrada Familia Cathedral in a special remembrance mass. Police meanwhile are still hunting the driver of the van that killed 13 people at Las Ramblas promenade. They haven't ruled out the possibility he may have crossed the French border.


The prime minister has unveiled a national plan to protect public spaces and prevent the kind of attack seen in Barcelona. The new strategy calls for more barriers like bollards and planter boxes and it gives business owners and operators a 'how-to' guide to better secure their venues.


The ABC has obtained new documents that reveal Australia's Pine Gap Surveillance Base plays a crucial role in US military action tracking mobile phones and email traffic to locate targets world-wide. It then provides that information for military action, including in countries with which Australia is not at war.


And in the AFL, Harley Bennell has booted two goals in his long-awaited Fremantle debut. But it didn't stop Richmond from belting the Dockers. The Tigers winning by 104 points as they chase their first top four finish since 2001.

