澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 朝鲜再次进行核试验引发6.3级地震(在线收听

Hello, Neena Mairata with the latest headlines from ABC News.


Australia has condemned North Korea's claim of a successful nuclear weapons test, warning the regime's reckless conduct is a grave danger to global peace and security.


A six-point-three magnitude earthquake was detected around North Korea's usual testing site, followed soon after by a smaller tremor. Pyongyang has since confirmed it tested a hydrogen bomb. The ABC's China correspondent says the timing of this test is no coincidence. The Chinese leadership will host the heads of major developing countries this week and the test may be seen as an act of defiance against the international sanctions imposed on North Korea.


The WA liberal party has voted to explore if the state can become financially independent from the rest of the country. The motion for a brexit style committee was put forward at the liberal party state conference, with supporters angry about WA's unfair share of GST revenue.


And New Zealand has claimed netball's Quad Series after beating Australia by ten goals in the final game in Invercargill. The Silver Ferns hadn't beaten the Diamonds in a series since 2012 but held off a late comeback by Australia to win 57 goals to 47.

