澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 韦恩斯坦性骚扰丑闻不断发酵 索马里首都遭遇汽车炸弹袭击(在线收听

Top stories from ABC News.


The foreign minister Julie Bishop says Australia will not be intimidated by North Korea's threats. Pyongyang's official news agency has launched a verbal assault on Australia, saying it is taking part in a military build-up against North Korea. And it's warned Australia will not be able to "avoid disaster" if it keeps putting pressure on the regime. Ms Bishop says North Korea is to blame for tensions because it has r?e??fused to abandon its nuclear weapons program.


The Oscars board has expelled disgraced film producer Harvey Weinstein following numerous allegations of sexual assault and harassment made against the Hollywood heavyweight. The Motion Picture Academy held an emergency meeting and its board voted well in excess of the required two-thirds majority to expel him.


A huge truck bomb has rocked the Somali capital Mogadishu, killing at least 30 people and injuring dozens of others. The truck packed with explosives was detonated in an area where many government offices, hotels, and restaurants are located. The Islamist Al Shabaab group is believed to be behind the attack.


And Queensland boxer, Jeff Horn, will defend his world title in Brisbane in December. The Queensland government and Brisbane city council have announced a two-fight deal for the champion.

