美国有线新闻 CNN 美国天气转暖 民众不顾疫情涌向海滩(在线收听

While summer in the northern hemisphere doesn't officially start until June 20th, Memorial Day is seen as the unofficial beginning of the season. And with warmer weather descending on much of the United States, people were out and about packing beaches in some places as they reopened.


A lot of folks were seen without masks and apparently ignoring social distancing rules and Americans were cautioned not to let their guard down. The White House's Coronavirus Task Force coordinator says wearing masks is crucial to keep the disease from spreading. They help prevent droplets from someone's sneeze or cough from reaching other people.


One question submitted to CNN is about whether you can catch COVID-19 by going to the pool. The Centers for Disease Control says a pool or hot tub that's well maintained and disinfected is not likely to carry the virus from one person to another.


So you probably won't get it from the water. But health officials say you can still catch it from other people there, so they're advising Americans to stay at least six feet away from others even at the pool.


Different nations have different levels of coronavirus cases. The US has confirmed the most with more than 1.6 million positive diagnoses since the disease first arrived. Brazil and Russia have each confirmed more than 300,000 cases and the United Kingdom and Spain have each seen more than 200,000.


Nations are also at different stages when it comes to their responses. To reopen or not to reopen, that is the question many are asking. And when restrictions should be lifted, that is the challenge many are facing.

