澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳多数选民赞同同性婚姻合法化 柬埔寨最高法院裁决解散主要反对党(在线收听

Senators are debating the same sex marriage bill after more than 60 per cent of Australians voted yes in the national survey. Many politicians who once opposed the legislation now say they won't stand in its way. The prime minister and the opposition leader expect the bill to pass by Christmas.


Cambodia's supreme court has dissolved the country's main opposition party the CNRP accusing it of plotting to topple the government. The court also banned 118 opposition members from politics for five years. The ruling gives prime minister Hun Sen's ruling party a clear run in the next general election.


Zimbabweans are waiting to see what steps the military will take next after seizing control of the country. President Robert Mugabe is believed to be under house arrest but it's unclear if the army has staged a coup. The instability was triggered by the sacking of the nation's vice president — a fierce rival of the long-standing leader.


And the Jillaroos have dominated the Cook Islands in their first game of the Women's Rugby League World Cup. Australia piled on seven tries in the first half and were never troubled by the island nation winning 58 points to 4.


Those are the latest headlines from ABC News.

