2020年经济学人 《间谍集团》书评--希特勒元首的间谍在曼哈顿(2)(在线收听

This is an entertaining tale that doubles as an important work of scholarship. From its first days in power, Mr Jeffreys-Jones shows, the Nazi party strove to undermine American democracy. Along with recent work by other historians, his suggests that Nazi hostility to America—with its bill of rights, balanced constitution and thriving Jewish community—equalled or even exceeded its hatred of the Soviet Union.


Blind to the threat, America had made itself an easy target. The army gave its data on the spread of venereal diseases to a Nazi agent, inadvertently revealing up-to-date statistics on American troops and bases. This was a mix of incompetence and institutional failure. In 1918 America had 1,441 military-intelligence officers. In 1935 it had 69. Mr Jeffreys-Jones touches only lightly on the strategic lessons, observing that the episode “carries a serious message about spies from a foreign country who try to subvert American democracy”.


The agents who had not already fled to Germany were tried in late 1938, as Hitler’s troops were marching into Czechoslovakia.American legislators were clinging to the neutrality doctrine, and the politically astute judge opted for leniency: the four main conspirators received a combined sentence of just 14 years.Dissatisfied, Turrou left the FBI to write newspaper articles about the Nazi threat. In 1939 Hollywood adapted his exhortations into a film, “Confessions of a Nazi Spy”, in which Turrou had a cameo.This was America’s first anti- Nazi blockbuster, and public attitudes were changing.


In 1941 the discovery of another spy ring in New York provoked outrage. Its three leaders were awaiting sentencing when Japan attacked Pearl Harbour. A few weeks later, the spies received a combined sentence of 52 years.

