2020年经济学人 无罪(1)(在线收听

From the moa in New Zealand to the dodo in Mauritius,


the arrival of humans has often spelled extinction for tasty but previously isolated animals.


Many scientists had assumed that the woolly rhinoceros, a shaggy beast that sported an enormous horn, suffered the same fate.


The animal was common in northern Europe and northern Asia 30,000 years ago, when the first humans arrived. Shortly after, it disappeared.


But Love Dalen, a professor at the Centre for Palaeogenetics in Stockholm,

但斯德哥尔摩古遗传学中心的Love Dalen教授

and Edana Lord, one of Dr Dalen's PHD students, are not so sure.

以及Dalen的博士生之一Edana Lord并不太确定。

In a paper published in Current Biology, they use data from ancient DNA to argue that, this time at least, humans might be innocent.

在发表于《Current Biology》的一篇论文中,他们利用来自于古DNA的数据辩称到,至少这一次,人类可能是无辜的。

Until recently, information on the fate of the great ice-age mammals had been limited to what could be gleaned from fossilised bones.


While useful, bones can only tell you so much. They can reveal the number of animals of different ages present at a specific location at a specific time.


With some species sex can be determined. Occasionally the cause of death can be detected.


In the past couple of decades, though, scientists have learned to tap another, richer source of information: ancient genomes.


By itself, DNA degrades quickly, attacked by water and sunlight. But DNA encased within bones and teeth can survive for longer,


especially if those bones and teeth are themselves encased in permafrost.


It was this sort of DNA that enabled Dr Dalen and Ms Lord to investigate the woolly rhino's disappearance.

