2020年经济学人 首尔住房(1)(在线收听

Judging from the chatter on the streets of Gangnam, it is a bad time to buy property in the South Korean capital.


"It's been a nightmare looking for an apartment," says Lee, a 30-year-old who lives in a rented studio in the glitzy district in southern Seoul.


"I think about what to buy and where and a month later the price has gone up by 20%."


Although he has a good job at a big company and is planning to buy with his girlfriend, he worries they'll have to keep renting for now.


"The government says they want to fight the rich, but actually they're hitting the middle class."


In recent months such complaints have become more common.


Greater Seoul is home to half of South Korea's population and to the vast majority of attractive jobs, schools and entertainment options.


Few people with any ambition can afford not to move there. But affording the move is hard.


Residential property prices in the capital have risen by around 40% over the past three years, according to official statistics;


in that time, the prices of flats have gone up by 52%, suggests analysis by KB Kookmin, a bank.


The rises have been fuelled in large part by demand for scarce high-quality flats in popular districts such as Gangnam.


The government, spying a speculative bubble, has introduced around two dozen measures to cool the market over the past three years.


In December it banned mortgages on properties worth more than 1.5bn won (around $1.3m), roughly the price of a mid-size flat in Gangnam.


It has also lowered the maximum loan-to-value ratio for flats worth more than 900m won from 40% to 20%.


Last month it announced plans to increase property taxes for expensive homes and owners of multiple properties,


as well as capital-gains levies on short-term sales. The overall effect, though, has been muddled and counterproductive.


Young people such as Mr Lee, who are keen to get on the property ladder,


are particularly disgruntled by politicians' failure to make good on their promises to make housing affordable.


In part the problem is that the government's efforts to cool the market have been offset by monetary easing by the central bank.


In order to cushion the economic fallout from covid-19, the Bank of Korea has cut interest rates,


encouraging some South Koreans to pile into property. Meanwhile, the tax proposals have angered existing investors, and are likely to restrict supply.


Parallel efforts to alleviate the shortage of high-quality housing by building more of it have been slow to get off the ground.


Prices, therefore, have continued to rise.

