密歇根新闻广播 如何抚养患有自闭症的孩子(在线收听

 October is National Bullying Prevention Month. One of the most likely to be on the receiving end of bullying is the child who is on the autism spectrum.

Ron Sandison knows what that's like.

When he was young, Sandison was diagnosed with Aspergers' Syndrome. Doctors told his parents he would never read beyond a seventh grade level, attend college or have meaningful relationships.

Sandison went on to earn two bachelor's degrees in psychology and theology, and later a master's degree in divinity. His fourth wedding anniversary is coming up in December, and he celebrated the birth of his daughter earlier this year.

Now he's written a book for parents of children who are on the autism spectrum. It's called A Parent's Guide To Autism: Practical Advice. Biblical Wisdom.

Sandison joined us today to share his story, talk about bullying, and discuss how his faith played a role in the book and his accomplishments.

More information can be found on his website.
