密歇根新闻广播 密歇根民众在外搭帐篷住宿抗议建设输油管道(在线收听


Several Native American tribes and Canadian First Nation tribes are joining members of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota.

Members of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe say the pipeline will contaminate water and other resources and damage land that is sacred to the Sioux.

It's a major pipeline for Energy Transfer Partners. According to an NPR report, it's a $3.8 billion project that would pump 500,000 barrels of oil a day.

Regis Ferland lives in Mount Pleasant. He and his cousin Amos Cloud have set up a 16-foot by 32-foot army surplus tent near the protests at Standing Rock.

Their plan is to make it a place to stay for people from Michigan who join the protest.

Ferland is a member of the Mohawk tribe in southern Ontario and Quebec, but since moving to Michigan he's been active with the Saginaw Chippewa tribe.

A note: Although the Saginaw Chippewa tribe supports the protesters at Standing Rock, Ferland is not authorized to speak on the tribe's behalf.

In our conversation above, Ferland explains why he wanted to set up a place for Michiganders to stay and how they're preparing for the colder months to come.
