2020年经济学人 一周要闻 普京政敌疑中毒 白俄大选引发骚乱 班农因欺诈被捕(在线收听

The world this week




Alexei Navalny, Russia’s most prominent opposition leader and anti-corruption activist, fell into a coma after being poisoned. He was held for two days in a Russian hospital, before being released and flown to Germany, where doctors said they thought the poison included cholinesterase inhibitors, an ingredient in some Russian-made military toxins. Kremlin flacks said perhaps he was suffering from low blood sugar. Germany has offered him asylum.

俄罗斯最著名的反对派领袖、反腐活动人士阿列克谢·纳瓦尔尼(Alexei Navalny)在中毒后陷入昏迷。他在一家俄罗斯医院被看守了两天,之后被释放并飞往德国就医。德国的医生表示,他们认为毒药中含有胆碱酯酶抑制剂,是一种俄罗斯制造的一些军用毒剂的成分。克里姆林宫发言人称,纳瓦尔尼可能患有低血糖。德国已向他提供庇护。

Hundreds of thousands of protesters continued to demand the resignation of Alexander Lukashenko, Belarus’s dictator, despite facing arrest and torture. Mr Lukashenko flew by helicopter to a secure location and brandished an AK-47 rifle. Western countries have not recognised a rigged election on August 9th that Mr Lukashenko “won”.

尽管面临逮捕和酷刑,数十万抗议者仍继续要求白俄罗斯独裁者亚历山大·卢卡申科(Alexander Lukashenko)辞职。卢卡申科手持一把AK-47步枪,乘直升机抵达一处安全的地点。西方国家并不认可卢卡申科在8月9日的舞弊选举中的“胜利”。

Phil Hogan, the EU’s commissioner for trade, resigned after violating COVID-19 social-distancing rules while on a trip to his home country of Ireland.

欧盟贸易专员菲尔·霍根(Phil Hogan)在返回故乡爱尔兰时违反了新冠肺炎社交距离规定,随后辞职。

Africa was declared free from wild polio, after decades of work by governments, volunteers and global health bodies. Nigeria was the last African country to be given the all-clear. The disease is now only found in Afghanistan and Pakistan. There is no cure, but there is a vaccine.


The UN Security Council blocked America’s effort to restore UN sanctions on Iran, which were lifted as part of a nuclear deal that America ditched in 2018. The rotating president of the council said many members disagreed with America’s position. Meanwhile, Iran agreed to grant inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency access to two nuclear sites after a months-long stand-off.


Israeli warplanes bombed targets in Gaza belonging to Hamas, the Islamist group that runs the territory. The strikes were a response to Palestinians launching incendiary balloons towards Israel. There were no reports of casualties.


Several pro-democracy activists were arrested in Thailand as student protests raged against the military-backed regime. Facebook obeyed an order to block access to a group with 1m members that the state claims is rude to the monarchy—a crime in Thailand.


In India Prashant Bhushan, a lawyer, was found guilty of contempt of court for a tweet chiding the chief justice for flouting social-distancing rules and another saying courts were abetting the erosion of democracy in India. The ruling on the two tweets was 108 pages long.

在印度,律师帕尔尚(Prashant Bhushan)被判藐视法庭,因为他在推特上指责首席法官藐视社交距离规则,还指责法院煽动侵蚀印度的民主。对这两条推文的裁决长达108页。

A white supremacist who massacred 51 people at two mosques in Christchurch was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. It was the first time such a sentence has been handed down in New Zealand.


Abu Sayyaf, an insurgent Islamist group in the Philippines, carried out two suicide-bombings in the city of Jolo, killing 14 people.

菲律宾伊斯兰叛乱组织阿布沙耶夫(Abu Sayyaf)在霍洛市实施了两起自杀式爆炸袭击,造成14人死亡。
