2020年经济学人 一周要闻 黑人遭警察连射7枪 蓬佩奥破格致词挨批 蓬佩奥为以色列牵线(在线收听

A deposition containing startling allegations of corruption against three former Mexican presidents and other politicians and officials was leaked to the press. The current president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, proposed holding a referendum to decide whether to prosecute them. Critics noted that this would make a mockery of the rule of law.


Canada’s Conservative Party, the main opposition to the Liberal government of Justin Trudeau, chose Erin O’Toole to be its new leader.


Prosecutors in Brazil charged Flordelis dos Santos de Souza, a gospel singer who is now a congresswoman, with conspiring to murder her husband, an evangelical pastor. They accused six of her 55 children (most of whom are adopted) of participating in the murder. Ms dos Santos claimed her husband, who was shot 30 times, was killed in a robbery.

巴西检察官指控福罗德利斯(Flordelis dos Santos de Souza),密谋谋杀她的福音派牧师丈夫,福罗德利斯是一名福音歌手,现在是一名国会议员。他们指控称,她的55个孩子中的6个(大部分为收养)参与了这起谋杀案。福罗德利斯女士声称,她的丈夫在一次抢劫案中被枪击了30次后死亡。

America’s Republicans held their convention, with most of the speechifying broadcast via video link. Donald Trump used the White House as a backdrop for parts of the jamboree. Mike Pompeo also flouted protocol by praising Mr Trump’s accomplishments. Secretaries of state normally keep a low profile at overtly political functions.

美国共和党召开了全国代表大会,大会的大部分演讲都是通过视频直播的。特朗普将白宫作为这场大会的部分背景。迈克·蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)无视自己身份,大肆赞扬特朗普的成就。通常,国务卿在公开的政治活动中需要保持低调。

Mr Pompeo broadcast his speech from Israel, where he had earlier called on other Arab states to follow the lead of the United Arab Emirates and normalise relations with the Jewish state.


Protests against the shooting of a black man by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, that left him paralysed, descended into violence. A white teenager was charged with shooting dead two people.


Hurricane Laura battered Haiti and the Dominican Republic, killing dozens, before roaring across America’s Gulf coast, hitting Louisiana and east Texas. The National Hurricane Centre said that the expected storm surge was “unsurvivable”.

飓风劳拉袭击了海地和多米尼加共和国,造成数十人死亡,然后飓风横扫美国墨西哥湾沿岸,袭击了路易斯安那州和德克萨斯州东部。美国飓风中心预测称,或掀起“无法抵御的风暴潮” 。

Steve Bannon, a former adviser to Mr Trump and inspiration to nationalists and populists globally, was charged with swindling donors to a charity that supports building a wall along the Mexican border. He was arrested on a yacht owned by Guo Wengui, a Chinese billionaire who lives in exile in New York.

特朗普前顾问、全球民族主义者和民粹主义者的支持者史蒂夫·班农(Steve Bannon),被控诈骗一家支持在墨西哥边境修建隔离墙的慈善机构的捐赠者。他在流亡纽约的中国亿万富翁郭文贵的游艇上被捕。
