澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳副总理被指控性骚扰 特朗普提出给老师配枪引发争议(在线收听

The top stories on ABC News.


A formal complaint has been made to the National party against the deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce. The ABC understands it's in relation to an allegation of sexual harassment involving a West Australian woman and Mr Joyce. The Nationals leader confirmed he's been "made indirectly aware" of the allegation and has described the claim as "spurious and defamatory".


WA police have charged Bradley Robert Edwards with the murder of Sarah Spiers — one of the three victims of the Claremont serial killings. Ms Spiers disappeared from a Perth nightspot in Claremont in 1996. Edwards was arrested in 2016 when he was also charged with the murders of Ciara Glennon and Jane Rimmer.


US president Donald Trump has been criticised for advocating teachers carry guns at a heated public meeting after the Florida school shooting. Mr Trump floated the idea as emotional survivors of last week's massacre implored him to make sure it never happens again. It comes as students across America stage mass walk-outs calling for gun reform.


And snowboarder Jarryd Hughes will carry the Australian flag at the Winter Olympics closing ceremony in Pyeong-Chang. The 22-year-old won the silver medal in the snowboard cross event. The dual-Olympian was one of three Australian medalists at this years' games in South Korea.

