英国新闻听力 阿富汗形势访谈(在线收听

One of America’s most senior generals, and the man who’s in charge of forces in Iraq and Afghanistan has given a great massacement to the state of affairs in the lack of those countries. General David P says the situation has worsened over the past two years and will become more difficult once what he calls the sanctuaries and safe havens of militants are targeted by US forces.

You can see the very clear cycle here because of the weather and the winner and you can see that past week was the highest level of security incidents in Afghanistan’s history, and that enlisted that post-liberation history. You can see how it goes up during the summer, comes downer in the winter months then goes up and down again. This down right here by the way, was wandering harvesting the poppy, but again, there are some tough months ahead. Some of this will go up because we are going to go after the sanctuaries and safe havens as we must.

So does the Afghan government agree with General P. ZT is Afghanistan’s ambassador to the United Nations.

General P in this position to assist the reason for the increasing access recently. But at the same time I think there maybe another of other reasons for this, including the fact that the Taliban were possibly emboldened by this latest s. And the time begin after a number of these in Swat and some other parts of the tribal area. It’s also important to see that the Taliban might have benefited from the gap between promised reinforcement of the force by President Obama and the real enforcement that is going to take place. In addition, I think we all were just before the election in Afghanistan and the Taliban intended to try to distract their preparation for the election.

So who is right? Nicolas Smithdal is a fellow of the New America Foundation and a writer on Afghanistan. And he gave us his view.

General P’s assessment is pretty spark on. In that, the insurgency in the southern part of Afghanistan has grabbed more territory. It’s more violent in the east. It has up all over the country. And I think this another peace to what General P said today. I think that is they are trying to tempt their speculations all of it. The Obama administration had has certainly shifted its focus in devoted a great amount of time, energy, resources and personnel to Afghanistan. General P’s statement today were to suggest the American people, look, this is not going to turn around in the next 2 or 3 months. There is a much much bigger and longer fight ahead.

But why is it such a long and big fight given the amount of troops. They are throwing at this. It assumed that that would actually deal with some of its founders.

Well, you would think so. But, you know, as ours entered the great, the Soviet Union, the British army from what was previously India. No one has been able to subdue these areas. I mean, the Taliban is coming the latest iteration of resistance to outside authority. These P have been fighting against form, invaders, conquers, whatever you want to call them. Thousands are here. This is kind of this is part of their DNA, part of their makeup.

So is General P suggesting that actually all the troops searching may not be enough?

Like I said, I don’t think that he’s quite going there, but I do think he’s trying to temper expectations. I do, he shoot a couple of grass today at this seminar where he was speaking where he made his statements, that we are showing the spike in US casualties, the time of the surge in Iraq. And I think what he is trying to suggest is that, look, just because we are sending all these troops doesn’t mean that there are gonna be casualties and doesn’t mean that American, young Americans are gonna die.

But is this a message to the Obama administration, to the wider US public? I mean, who is he trying to get .. to ?

I think he is said it to the US public certainly. I think that the message is coming from the Obama administration, probably. P was saying that today that in Iraq, you know, that they were working very very closely. He was working very closely with B. In Iraq and I think that right now, as the head of S, he’s working very closely with S counterparts. So I think that US military, US power is on the same page here. But I do think this is for public consumption.

David P将军是美国最高级将军之一,他负责伊拉克和阿富汗军队。他对两国的形势做了评判。David P将军称,在过去的两年,形势更加恶化。一旦美军将目标对准圣所和好战分子避难所,形势将更加艰难。


阿富汗政府也同意David P将军的说法。ZT是阿富汗驻联合国大使。

David P将军将军在为最近的形势寻找理由。但是同时,我认为还有另外一些原因,包括塔利班分子可能被最近的形势所鼓舞。在斯瓦特河谷和其他地区发生了一系列事件之后出现了这种形势。同时,还要看到的一点是,塔利班可能会从奥巴马总统承诺的增加军队的数量和即将派遣的实际数量之间的差距中受益,这一点非常重要。此外,我认为,我们都处在阿富汗选举前夕,塔利班试图将注意力转移到选举的准备工作上。

那么,谁是正确的呢?Nicolas Smithdal是新美国基金的工作人员,关于阿富汗专题的作者。他给出了他的观点。

David P将军的评估非常有朝气。因为,阿富汗南部的叛乱分子夺取了更多的领土,东部地区暴力活动更加频繁,基本上遍布整个国家。我认为,David P将军所说的另外一个和平时期就是现在。我认为他们试图诱惑其他人的猜测。奥巴马政府转移了自己向阿富汗奉献大量的时间,精力,资源和人力方面的焦点。David P将军的讲话是为了暗示美国人,看,在接下来的两到三个月之内,这种情况都不会转变。我们还面临着规模更大,时间更长的战争。



那么,David P将军是否在暗示,所有军队都参加搜索是否还不够呢?



我认为他是在向美国公众传达信息。我认为这个信息可能来自奥巴马政府。David P说,今天,在伊拉克,他们正在紧密团结的工作。他正在与B团结协作。在伊拉克,我认为这是正确的。作为领导,他正在与其同事密切合作。所以,我认为,美国军方,美国政权也正在做同样的工作。但是我不认为这是为了公众消费。
