英国新闻听力 迈克尔杰克逊家人要求再次尸检(在线收听

The family of the singer Michael Jackson is reported to have asked for a second autopsy as it seeks answers about his death two days ago in Los Angeles. The city's coroner said on Friday that his examination of Michael Jackson's body revealed no evidence of foul play. Police investigating the singer's death say Michael Jackson's doctor who was with him when he collapsed is not a suspect but they do intend to interview him thoroughly. In a statement published by the celebrity magazine People, the singer's father spoke of his family's grief. David Willis reports from Los Angeles.

Michael Jackson's family described his death as one of the darkest moments of their lives. It had left them speechless and devastated to a point where communication with the outside world seemed almost impossible at times. The statement ends by thanking his fans and urging them to continue to spread his message, carry on, so his legacy will last forever. The Jackson family is seeking its own independent post-mortem examination into the singer’s death in the hope of resolving a string of unanswered questions, chief among them, the role of Conrad Murray, the singer's personal physician, who was with Michael Jackson when he was taken ill.

The Iranian opposition leader Mir Hossein Moussavi has refused to support a plan by the Guardian Council, the highest electoral authority to hold a partial recount of the votes in the disputed presidential election. Mr. Moussavi said in a statement on his website that the best solution was a re-run of the poll. Catherine Utley reports.

The Guardian Council is due to give its definitive verdict on the poll result later on Sunday, but it's already said the vote was Iran's healthiest ever. Mr. Moussavi remains defiant though, still demanding that the entire vote be annulled. Limiting the recount to just some of the ballot boxes as the Guardian Council has proposed, would not, he said, regain the people's trust, neither would it convince public opinion about the results. The only compromise Mr. Moussavi would be prepared to accept, he said, was the review of the vote by an independent body.

Russia and NATO have agreed to resume military cooperation after nearly a year of difficult relations. The agreement came at a meeting in Greece of foreign ministers in the NATO-Russia Council. The NATO’s Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said differences over Georgia still remained, a point illustrated by the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who insisted it was up to Tbilisi to restore relations with Moscow.

My answer is quite simple. We never sever that relationship with Georgia, it was Georgia who severed diplomatic relations with Russia and it's up to Georgia to re-launch them again.

A federal appeals court in Argentina has ruled that some 70 Argentine army officers can be charged with the alleged torture of their own soldiers during the Falklands War between Argentina and Britain 27 years ago.

Foreign Ministers from the G8 group of industrialized countries meeting in Italy have welcomed America's plan to completely change its anti-drug strategy in Afghanistan. Until now US policy has focused on trying to eradicate the growing of poppies. But America's special envoy to Afghanistan, Richard Holbrooke told G8 ministers that the program had been an expensive mistake. Instead he said the focus would now be on encouraging Afghans to grow different crops. One delegate at the G8 meeting described the earlier eradication policy as a sad joke.

A man with joint Canadian-Sudanese citizenship has arrived back in Canada after being held in Sudan for 6 years. Abousfian Abdelrazik was accused of being an associate of al-Qaida. Mr.Abdelrazik was arrested while visiting his sick mother in 2003.While in prison, his passport expired and after his release he stayed at the Canadian embassy in Khartoum. The Canadian authorities have refused to issue new papers as Mr.Abdelrazik was on a United Nations air travel blacklist. However, a federal court in Canada ordered the government to allow his return.

A church pastor in the American State of Kentucky has held a special service where the congregation was invited to bring their guns. Pastor Ken Pagano said the gathering was intended to promote safe gun ownership and celebrate the right to bear arms. Steve Jackson reports.

As people arrived at the new Bethel Church in Louisville, their guns were checked to make sure none of them were loaded. Inside Pastor Ken Pagano told the gathering of a hundred or more that he wanted to send out a message that intelligent law-abiding citizens could own guns, too. Most people there kept their weapons in holsters, but Pastor Pagano himself was unarmed. His address was followed by a raffle in which the first prize was a hand-gun. Other church groups and peace-campaigners held a rival gun-free event at the same time.

据报道,两天前,迈克尔·捷克尔逊的家人在洛杉矶要求进行第二次尸检以确定死因。该市验尸官周五表示,尸检没有任何证据显示谋杀。调查杰克逊之死的警察称,在迈克尔·杰克逊倒地时陪伴的私人医生没有可疑,但是要对其进行彻底审查。杰克逊的父亲在明星杂志People上发表声明,称家人非常悲伤。David Willis在洛杉矶报道。

迈克尔·杰克逊的家人称他的死亡是他们生命中最阴暗的一件事。这让他们完全说不出话,与外界的交流似乎完全不可能。在生命结尾,杰克逊的父亲感谢了歌迷,希望他们继续传播杰克逊的音乐,这样他的遗产就可以永远流传。杰克逊一家寻求独立的尸检以确定其真正死因,希望解决一些疑问,其中最主要的就是在杰克逊病危事陪伴的私人医生Conrad Murray的作用。

伊朗最高选举官方卫队委员会提议对有争议的选举结果进行部分重新计票,反对派领袖穆萨维拒绝支持该计划。穆萨维在其网站上发表的一篇声明中说,最好的解决方法是重新投票。Catherine Utley报道。





八国集团工业国外交部长在意大利会晤,他们一致欢迎美国提出的彻底改变阿富汗反毒品策略的计划。目前为止,美国的政策集中在试图根除罂粟的种植方面。但是美国驻阿富汗特使Richard Holbrooke告诉八国集团外交部长,该计划是一个代价惨重的错误。他说,焦点不应该是鼓励阿富汗人种植其他作物。八国集团会议上一名代表称此前的根除政策是一个悲哀的笑话。

持有加拿大-苏丹双重国籍身份的一名男子在被苏丹方面劫持六年之后重返加拿大。Abousfian Abdelrazik被指控与基地组织有关。他在2003年探访生病的母亲时被捕。在狱中,他的护照过期,被释放之后,他一直呆在加拿大驻喀土穆大使馆。该加拿大机构拒绝为其签发新的护照,因为他被列在联合国航空旅行黑名单上。然而,加拿大联邦法庭命令政府允许其回国。

美国肯塔基州一名教堂牧师举行了一场特殊的仪式,邀请参加集会的人们带枪支前来。Ken Pagano牧师说,该聚会意在敦促人们安全持有枪支,庆祝持有枪支的权利。Steve Jackson报道。

人们到达位于路易斯维尔的伯特利新教堂时,所有的枪支都经过检查,以确保没有装有弹药。在教堂里面,Ken Pagano牧师对一百多名前来参加聚会的人们说,他希望发出一个信号,聪明的守法的公民也可以持有枪支。大部分人都将自己的武器放在枪套内,但是Pagano牧师本人却没有带枪。同时,其他教堂 组织和和平运动者们在举办反对枪支自由活动。
