新奇事件簿 登录名和密码将被取代(在线收听

It looks like login usernames and passwords are on their way out. No longer will we have to worry about the security of our login credentials. They are set to be replaced by an infinitely more secure login system known as Web Authentication. Web Authentication has become an official standard for logging in at the main Internet standards body, the World Wide Web Consortium (WWWC). It is a system that will be universally used by web browsers and platforms for simpler and stronger authentication processes. It will allow website users to log in securely to their online accounts using a digital device, biometrics (such as fingerprints and facial recognition) or USB security keys.

似乎登录用户名和密码要被淘汰了。我们再也不用担心登录信息的安全了。它们将要被一种更加安全的登录系统—Web Authentication所取代。Web Authentication已经成为登录主要互联网标准机构—万维网联盟(WWWC)的官方标准。这个系统将被浏览器和各平台广泛应用,因为它的认证程序更加简单强大。该系统能够让网络用户使用一种数字设备,如指纹、面部识别或USB安全钥匙等生物特征识别安全登录他们的网上账号。

The WWWC spoke about the days of passwords being numbered. A spokesperson said: "It's common knowledge that passwords have outlived their efficacy. Not only are stolen, weak or default passwords behind 81 per cent of data breaches, they are a drain of time and resources." It added: "Now is the time for web services and businesses to adopt Web Authentication to move beyond vulnerable passwords and help web users improve the security of their online experiences," Web Authentication means users are at less risk of having their passwords and credentials stolen. This is because login authentication is achieved via physical devices or biometrics from our body.

WWWC称使用密码的日子将屈指可数。一名发言人表示:“密码已经过时了,这是常识。它们不仅会被盗取、不安全、81%的数据盗窃都是因为默认密码,而且还浪费时间和资源。”其还表示:“现在是时候让网络服务和交易采用网络认证,放弃易受攻击的密码并帮助网络用户提高他们在线体验的安全性,”Web Authentication意味着用户们的密码和信息被盗窃的风险更小。这是因为它是通过物理设备或身体生物特征来实现登录认证的。
