新奇事件簿 挑战侏罗纪任务(在线收听

This year will see one of the world's biggest ever dinosaur digs. Paleontologists from across the globe will go to a special site in the U.S. state of Wyoming to join the dig. A paleontologist is someone who studies fossils. The dig is called Mission Jurassic. Researchers from the USA, England and Holland will join the Mission Jurassic team. They will try to find bones from dinosaurs that lived in the area 150 million years ago, in the Jurassic Era. The site of the dig is known as the Jurassic Mile. It is roughly 2.6 square kilometers in size. Scientists have already uncovered many interesting things over the past two years. These include dinosaur footprints, plant fossils and the bones of a 30-metre-long Diplodocus.

今年将见证世界有史以来最大的恐龙挖掘项目之一。来自世界各地的古生物学者将前往美国怀俄明州某地参与挖掘。古生物学者是研究化石的人。此次挖掘项目被称为“侏罗纪任务”。来自美国、英国和荷兰的研究人员将加入“侏罗纪任务”团队。他们将寻找生活在1.5亿年前侏罗纪时代的恐龙的骨头。挖掘地址被称为Jurassic Mile,约有2.6平方公里。在过去20多年中,科学家们在这里已经发现了很多有趣的事情。其中包括恐龙的脚印、植物化石以及一只30米长的梁龙的骨头。

The bones found at the dig will go on display in Indianapolis - at the world's largest children's museum. Professor Paul Barrett, a researcher at the museum and a co-leader of the dig, said: "This is an area that hasn't been...extensively studied....The hope is to find new material of previously described species and, if we're lucky, new species of dinosaurs and the animals and plants that lived around them." Another museum professor, Richard Herrington, said: "This site offers a rare opportunity to build a picture of what the real Jurassic ecosystem would have looked like 150 million years ago." He hopes to find fossils, "from plants and invertebrates to ancient crocodiles, mammals, lizards and marine life".


