时代周刊 家暴丑闻暴露了白宫安全系统的问题(2)(在线收听

PORTER’S RESIGNATION put a long-overlooked issue in the spotlight.


The allegations of abuse had delayed completion of his background check; after a year spent working in the White House as staff secretary—


a vital role that involves screening every paper that reaches the President’s desk—

而幕僚秘书一职至关重要,送往总统办公桌的所有文件都由他负责筛选 -

he was still operating with an interim security clearance.


Among the dozens of other staffers without permanent clearance is Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner, who reportedly has access to the top-secret Presidential Daily Brief.

没有拿到永久性安全通行证的还有数十名工作人员,特朗普的女婿兼高级顾问贾里德·库什纳(Jared Kushner)就是其中之一,据报,他有权查看绝密的《总统日报简报》。

The White House response to the Porter revelations only made matters worse.


One official after another has failed to clarify the scope of the security clearance problem or how long key staffers had known about it.


“There are a lot of officials coming in with the new Administration,” principal deputy press secretary Raj Shah said on Feb.8,

2月8日,白宫首席副新闻秘书Raj Shah表示,“新政府新上任了很多官员,

“and a lot of individuals coming in have an interim clearance.”


But that, say GOP White House veterans, is misleading.


Working in the White House for a year without permanent clearance would be “on the outer edge of what’s normal,”


says Timothy Flanigan, White House deputy counsel under President George W. Bush.

曾任乔治·W. 布什总统的副法律顾问的蒂莫西·弗拉尼根说。

Wray testified that the FBI had been in contact with the White House about Porter’s situation last March, July and November,


then again in January and February, and that the agency had completed its work on Porter last month.


If there are others working at the highest levels of government without a final okay from the FBI and the White House personnel security office,


that could put classified information at risk.


One of Porter’s ex-wives, for example, says she told the FBI he could be subject to blackmail because of his history of abuse.


Senior staffers from previous Administrations say the Porter mess


is indicative of a President whose approach to running government has been to throw out the rule book.


“There is a different level of tolerance of risk by the Trump White House in terms of the people that the President wishes to employ,”


says Laura Terrell, an attorney who vetted securityclearance applications in George W. Bush’s Administration.

曾经在乔治·W. 布什执政期间担任审查清关申请律师的Laura Terrell说到。

“That’s the bottom line”

