澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 巴黎发生持刀袭击事件 朝鲜明确拆除核试验场具体日期(在线收听

Hello, Jason om with he top stories on ABC news.


A knife-wielding attacker has been shot dead in central Paris after killing one person and injuring four others. French police are treating the incident as a suspected terror attack, which took place in the upper district. Witnesses reported scenes of panic as the attacker lashed out at bystanders.


North Korea says it will dismantle it's only known nuclear weapons testing site, ahead of regime leader Kim Jong-Un's meeting with US President Donald Trump. The regime says it will decommission the test site in front of international journalists in a 3 day ceremony on the 23rd of May. The US President is expected to push North Korea to scrap it's nuclear weapons program when he meets Kim Jong-Un in June.


A man who allegedly abducted a 12-year-old boy from outside his Gold Coast home will be extradited to Queensland and charged with kidnapping for ransom. The boy was found yesterday afternoon in Grafton New South Wales, 240 kilometres from where he was snatched. The 53-year-old man has been arrested.


And Israel has won the Eurovision song contest with singer Netta taking the top prize for her song, Toy. It's Israel’s fourth Eurovision win — which means they'll host next year's competition. Australia's Jessica Mauboy finished down the leaderboard at 20th place.

