澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 美国官员赴朝鲜准备金特会 洪水侵袭美国一城市(在线收听

The top stories on ABC News.


Independent Tasmanian senator Steve Martin has announced he is joining the National Party. Martin replaced former senator Jacqui Lambie when she resigned over her dual citizenship. The senator had been a member of the Jacqui Lambie Network Party but was dumped when he refused to stand aside to allow it's leader to re??turn to parliament. Senator Martin's move will boost the government's numbers in the upper house.


US and North Korean officials have met in the village of Panmunjom in the Korean demilitarised zone. With the talks the latest sign a summit between the two countries could take place after all. Kim Jong Un has reportedly reaffirmed his commitment to meet Donald Trump despite the American president cancelling the summit last week.


A state of emergency has been declared in Ellicot City, just west of Baltimore in the US after major flooding hit the area. Residents were told to move to higher ground when flash flooding inundated the central area of the historic city. Ellicott city was hit with similar flooding in 2016, which left two people dead and caused extensive damage.


And Queensland's State of Origin team for game one has been unveiled and it appears they are favouring youth over experience. Greg Inglis is set to lead the new look side which will feature Valentine Holmes and Dane Gagi on the wing. Prop Matt Scott and Darius Boyd were notably absent from the line up with Dylan Napa and Jarrod Wallace securing their spots.

