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The top stories today.


US president Donald Trump has back-tracked on his initial comments made after his meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin. In Helsinki, Mr Trump said he could not see any reason why it would be Russia that interfered with the 2016 US presidential election. He now says he mis-spoke at the joint press conference and believes that while election meddling took place, it 'could be other people also'. The comments come after widespread condemnation from within the Republican party.


Dozens of Syrian asylum seekers have been turned away by the Israeli army on the Golan Heights. Video shows an Israeli army officer warning them to go back "before something bad happens". Tens of thousands of Syrians have arrived in the area over the past month, displaced by fighting in south-western Syria.


The federal government will continue its controversial cashless welfare card trials, despite a report questioning the evidence about its effectiveness. The card quarantines 80 per cent of welfare payments so recipients can only spend the money on necessities and not on alcohol or gambling. But a national audit office review has found serious flaws with the trial data collected and describes the cards as 'a social experiment'.


And a team of scientists in WA have developed an experimental blood test to detect skin cancer. The team from Edith Cowan University say the test can pick-up early stage melanoma with 80 per cent accuracy after a clinical trial involving 200 participants. The test could be available internationally within five years if further trials are successful.

