英国新闻听力 华尔街再现重大金融诈骗案(在线收听

The Palestinian president Mahmod Abbas has confirmed that he will not seek re-election in the presidential poll next January. He said he’d made that decision due to the lack of progress in the peace process. From Ramallah, Bethany Bell reports.

This isn't the first time Mr. Abbas has made such a threat and it’s by no means certain that these elections will actually take place. Palestinians are split geographically and politically. Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, says it won't take part in the vote. Some have speculated that this move by Mr. Abbas could be a negotiating tactic aimed at rallying western and Arab support. At the moment, there is no obvious replacement for Mr. Abbas. And without him, the prospects to the already faltering peace process would look even bleaker.

The US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she looked forward to working with Mr. Abbas in any new capacity.

At least seven people have been killed and many others wounded in a shooting at the Fort Hood military post in the US State of Texas. One person has been arrested while another remains at large. Imtiaz Tyab reports.

According to US media reports, two men dressed in military uniform opened fire at the sprawling Fort Hood military post in Killeen, Texas. A dozen people have been wounded and an unknown number are dead. One suspect is believed to be in custody while another is said to remain at large. Fort Hood is one of the largest military posts in the world. More than 30,000 people are said to be confined to their base as officials try to secure the site. FBI agents are also understood to be on their way to investigate.

Officials at the United Nations Climate Conference in Barcelona have cast further doubt on whether a binding international agreement can be achieved at next month’s Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen. Matt Mcgrath has the details.

There are two key problems: one is the scale of the work that needs to be done to get an agreement on key issues like targets for emissions cuts and money for developing nations to cope with dramatic climate change; the other appears to be the lack of progress on climate legislation in the United States. A climate bill is currently being discussed in the Senate, but it's thought unlikely that it will be passed before the meeting in Copenhagen. Officials here are now talking about the possibility of a political agreement at the December meeting that will include targets on emissions, timetables and levels of financing. They could also include the timetable for a legally binding treaty to be completed most likely within six months to a year.

The Prime Minister of Zimbabwe Morgan Tsvangirai has lifted a power-sharing boycott with President Robert Mugabe. Mr. Tsvangirai made the announcement at the end of a regional meeting attended by Mr. Mugabe in the Mozambiquan capital, Maputo. Mr. Tsvangirai gave Mr. Mugabe 30 days to fully implement the power-sharing agreement. Mr. Tsvangirai said he was disengaging from the coalition three weeks ago because of human rights abuses by Mr. Mugabe's party.

The deposed Honduran President Manuel Zelaya has accused the interim authorities and their supporters in Congress of failing to adhere to the terms of the agreement signed last week to end the country's political crisis. Emilio San Pedro reports.

Mr. Zelaya, who was forcibly removed from office in June, was blunt in his assessment of the situation. In a BBC interview, he said he had followed the terms of the agreement to the letter of the law, but accused the interim authorities of failing to keep to their side of the bargain. And he called on the interim president, Roberto Micheletti, to force Congress to hold a vote on his reinstatement to power. The interim authorities see things differently and say the power-sharing agreement can go on without Mr. Zelaya's restoration, a view now shared by Washington, which brokered the deal.

Federal prosecutors in the United States have charged more people in New York implicated in the largest hedge fund inside a trading scheme ever seen on Wall Street. They include traders, lawyers and hedge fund managers. The investigation centres on a prominent New York firm, the Galleon Group, which once managed assets worth 7 billion dollars. The fund's billionaire founder and five others were arrested last month.

Judges at the UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague have appointed a lawyer for the former Bosnian Serb Leader Radovan Karadzic, who's on trial for genocide. Mr. Karadzic has represented himself so far, but has boycotted most of the proceedings, complaining he's had too little time to prepare.

British scientists have warned that the medical use in humans of nanotechnology, the manipulation of particles millions of times smaller than a pinhead, may damage the DNA or genetic building blocks of cells. The researchers observed that nanoparticles were able to damage the DNA and cells without crossing the cellular barriers that normally protect organs. Their findings raise questions about the safety of nanotechnology-based therapies.

巴勒斯坦总统阿巴斯证实,在明年一月份举行的总统选举中不会寻求连任。他说,由于和平进程缺乏进展才做出这个决定。拉马拉,Bethany Bell报道。



美国得克萨斯州胡德堡军事基地发生枪击事件,造成至少7人死亡,多人受伤。一名枪手被捕,另外一人潜逃。Imtiaz Tyab报道。


巴塞罗那联合国气候会议官员对下月哥本哈根气候变化会议上能否达成有约束力的协议产生进一步怀疑。Matt Mcgrath报道详细信息。



洪都拉斯被罢免总统塞拉亚指控临时政府及其国会支持者不遵守上周签署的协议条款。该协议是为了终止洪都拉斯政治危机。Emilio San Pedro报道。


美国联邦检控官控告纽约更多人卷入华尔街有史以来最大的套利基金诈骗案。其中包括交易人,律师和套利基金经理。调查主要集中在纽约一家卓越的公司,对冲基金公司帆船集团(Galleon Group)。这家公司曾管理着价值70亿美元的资产。上月,该基金的亿万富翁创建者和其他五人被捕。


