英国新闻听力 男子假扮巴西总统卢拉接受采访(在线收听

Finance ministers of the world's leading industrialized and developing countries, the G20, have agreed to continue supporting the global economic recovery. In a statement released after their meeting in Scotland, the ministers said conditions had improved, but economic and financial recovery was uneven and unemployment a worry. Andrew Walker reports.

The communiqué avoids complacency. Although economic and financial conditions have improved, they decided they still need to keep up the initiatives intended to restore growth. The meeting was, however, rather overshadowed by a statement from the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, suggesting a tax on financial transactions as one of a number of options for making banks pay for the crisis. His calls have been received politely by the finance ministers but several made remarks which suggest that other ways of tackling the problem are rather more likely to be adopted.

The Afghan Defense Ministry says at least eight Afghans working with American troops have been mistakenly killed in a NATO air strike. The strike came as a search operation was going on for two missing American soldiers in the western province of Badghis. Five Americans and another 18 Afghans were wounded. From Kabul, Andrew North reports.

US troops working with Afghan army and police are reported to have come under insurgent attack while searching for the two missing Americans. NATO confirms an air strike was then called in, but the Afghan Defense Ministry says it missed its intended target and killed at least seven Afghan soldiers and police and a civilian working with them. But a NATO spokesman said they’re still investigating whether this was the cause of their deaths.

President Obama has appealed to wavering Democrats in the House of Representatives to approve contentious reforms to the American health system, which would extend cover to millions of uninsured Americans. Republicans remain opposed to the measures, but in a rare visit to Capitol Hill, President Obama said Congressmen should rise to the moment.

"Opportunities like this come around maybe once in a generation. Most public servants pass through their entire careers without the chance to make as important a difference in the lives of their constituents and the life of this country. This is their moment. This is our moment to live up to the trust that the American people have placed in us, even when it's hard, especially when it's hard. This is our moment to deliver."

Italian police say they have arrested one of the country's leading organized crime figures Luigi Esposito in the southern city of Naples. Mr. Esposito is believed to be high up in the Nuvoletta Camorra clan. He's one of Italy's 30 most wanted men and had been on the run since 2003. Three years ago, he was convicted of drugs trafficking and associating with the Mafia and sentenced to nine years in prison. Police say Mr. Esposito is the latest in a string of senior crime figures to be arrested recently in southern Italy.

The African Union says it will maintain the suspension of Madagascar's membership despite an agreement reached between the country's main rivals to end the political crisis. The president of the AU's Peace and Security Council, Ramtane Lamara, told the Reuters news agency that Madagascar would not be readmitted until a new power-sharing government was in place. Earlier it had been agreed that Andry Rajoelina who led a coup overthrowing his rival, Marc Ravalomanana, would remain head of state.

An impersonator, pretending to be the Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has recorded interviews with Portuguese-language radio stations around the world. An interview with Angolan state radio was played for a couple of days before the hoax was discovered. Leonardo Rocha reports.

Radio stations that broadcast to the Portuguese language, the Espra, received an email a few days ago, saying President Lula was willing to be interviewed about the 2016 Olympics, which the city of Rio de Janeiro will be hosting. However, the interviews were with a very good impersonator in President Lula’s distinguished husky voice and informal style. A sound engineer at Australia's SBS station became suspicious that the president would be giving interviews on a poor telephone line, not from a studio in Brasilia, but it was too late for Angola’s State Radio Network which played the interview on several of its stations for two days before it was informed by the BBC that it was a hoax.

Britain’s oldest public museum, the Ashmolean in Oxford, has reopened to visitors after a 100-million-dollar refit. Dating from the 17th century, the Ashmolean has called its new display strategy "Crossing Cultures Crossing Time". Curators say the displays were arranged with the idea that civilizations which shaped modern societies developed as part of an interrelated world culture rather than in isolation.

来自G20集团各发达工业国家和发展中国家财政部长一致同意继续支持全球经济复苏。在苏格兰举行会议后发表的声明中,各国部长表示,现在形势有所好转,但是经济和金融复苏仍然崎岖不平,失业问题也依然严峻。Andrew Walker报道。


阿富汗国防部长称,在北约空袭中,至少有8名与美军士兵一起工作的阿富汗军人被误杀。这次袭击是为了搜索在阿富汗西部巴吉司(Badghis)失踪的两名美国士兵。另外有5名美国人和18名阿富汗人受伤。喀布尔,Andrew North报道。




意大利警方称在南部城市那不勒斯逮捕了一名犯罪团伙头目。据称, Esposito是Nuvoletta Camorra党派高层人物。他是意大利30名最高级通缉犯之一,自2003年开始潜逃。三年前,他因走私毒品以及与黑手党有关被判处9年的监禁。警方称,Esposito是近年来在意大利南部抓获的最高犯罪分子。

非洲联盟表示,尽管马达加斯加各反对派之间达成协议,终止政治危机,但是将仍然暂停其成员国资格。非洲联盟和平和安全理事会主席Ramtane Lamara告诉路透社,除非马达加斯加成立新的权力分享政府,否则不会允许其再次加入非洲联盟。此前,马达加斯加各反对派之间达成协议,领导军事政变推翻对手Marc Ravalomanana的拉乔利纳(Andry Rajoelina). 将继续担任该国首脑。

假扮巴西总统卢拉的一名男演员已在世界各地葡萄牙语电台录制了几期采访节目。其中,在安哥拉国家电台录制的采访已经播放了几天的时间,后来才发现是一个骗局。Leonardo Rocha报道。



