新奇事件簿 卡戴珊内衣新品牌激怒日本民众(在线收听

Kim Kardashian West has angered people in Japan after launching a new line of lingerie called 'Kimono Intimates'. People in Japan have reacted with anger and have accused Kardashian of cultural appropriation. They say the lingerie greatly disrespects Japanese culture. The kimono is an iconic symbol in Japan and is considered the country's national dress. It is an exquisitely decorated, long-sleeved robe tied with an ornate sash. It is usually made of silk and is worn on special occasions. A Japanese woman explained to the BBC: "We wear kimonos to celebrate health, growth of children, engagements, marriages, graduations, at funerals. It's celebratory wear and passed on in families through the generations."

近日金·卡戴珊·维斯特推出了全新内衣品牌“Kimono Intimates”,此举激怒了日本民众。日本民众对此表示愤怒,指责卡戴珊盗用文化。他们表示这种内衣极不尊重日本文化。和服是日本的标志性象征,被认为是该国的民族服装。这是一种装饰精美的长袖长袍,系着华丽的腰带,一般是丝绸做的,并在特殊的场合穿着。一名日本女性向BBC解释到:“我们穿和服是为了庆祝健康、孩子的成长、订婚、结婚、毕业,也在葬礼上穿。它是喜庆的服饰,在家庭中代代相传。”

There has been a lot of backlash against Kardashian West on social media. Apart from the lingerie having no resemblance to real kimono or anything Japanese, the American socialite is also trying to trademark kimono-worded brands. She has filed trademarks for "Kimono Body", "Kimono Intimates" and "Kimono World". One Twitter user wrote: "What a disgusting thing to use the word 'kimono'. It's disrespectful to Japanese culture. True cultural appropriation." Another person tweeted: "I feel very sad that the name 'Kimono' is being used for something completely different from what we Japanese know about it. I feel this name choice is simply ignorant." She ended her tweet with #KimOhNo.

卡戴珊·维斯特在社交媒体上遭到了很多人的抵制。除了与真正的和服或任何日本物品没有相似之处的内衣外,这位美国社交名媛还试图注册和服品牌的商标。她为“Kimono Body”、“Kimono Intimates”以及“Kimono World”申请了商标。一位推特用户写道:“使用‘和服’一词很恶心。这是对日本文化的不尊重。真正的文化盗用。”另一位用户在推特中写道:“我感到非常难过,‘和服’一词被用于一些和我们日本人所知的完全不同的东西。我认为选择这个词就是无知。”她在推文最后写上了#KimOhNo。
