澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 美国政府9个部门被迫关门 索马里首都发生两起炸弹袭击(在线收听

Hello, Catherine Robinson with the top stories on ABC News.


Emergency budget talks are being held in Washington in an effort to try to reopen the US government. Nine government departments have been forced to close with Democrats refusing to give in to president Donald Trump's demands for five billion dollars to build a border wall between the US and Mexico.


The US envoy to the global coalition fighting the Islamic State group has resigned in protest to president Trump's decision to withdraw troops from Syria. Brett McGurk, who was appointed by president Barack Obama in 2015 said in his resignation letter that the Islamic State have not yet been defeated, and the withdrawal of American forces was premature.


At least seventeen people have been killed and several others injured in twin blasts in the Somali capital Mogadishu. One of the country's most prominent television journalists is believed to be among the dead. The militant group Al-Shabab has claimed responsibility for the attacks.


And Melbourne Victory and Melbourne City have shared the points in their A-league derby. The Victory appeared headed for a win when Ola Toivenen scored in the 55th minute, but in the dying minutes of the match, City equalised through Dario Vidosic.


And those are the latest stories from ABC news.

