《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第3集13:如此有才华(在线收听

Wait, wait,wait,Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

大家注意 注意了 注意了 安静 安静

Wait. let's be honest here.

等等 说句实话

In the past, we used to let other teams

过去 我们常常任其它球队

Come into our town and roll right over us!


But that is about to change.


We've got some great new talent


Tonight starting on the offensive line,

今晚 我们要开始进攻了

And I'm gonna tell you right now,


It has been a long time


Since I have seen a kid like this


With hands like these.This blows.

如此有才华的队员了 真糟糕

He can't start the guy. He just got here.

他不能安排他首发 他才刚来

...That have been waiting for us


To put a check in the win column,


I have only one thing to say to you--


Your Timberwolves are hungry.


Hey, you. What's wrong?


- Nothing. - And the Central High Lions-

没事 -而雄狮队

Are what's for dinner!


Is that Jeremy?Wait, no! Ty! No.

那是杰里米吗 等会 别这样 泰

Oh, what do you care?Don't look so down.

你在乎什么呢 别那么沮丧嘛

You can have her when I'm done.


Tyler, stop it!Tyler! Tyler,stop!Stop it!

泰勒 住手 泰勒 住手 住手

Stop, you're hurting him!

住手 你打伤他了

Tyler!Tyler, stop!Tyler!Stop it! Tyler, stop!

泰勒 泰勒 住手 泰勒 住手 泰勒 住手

Hey, he's down! Enough!

他已经倒地了 -够了

Jeremy, no!- Get off me! Stop!

杰里米 不要 放开我 -住手

What the hell, Jeremy?

杰里米 你怎么回事

Put your head up, you're bleeding.

把头抬起来 你在流血

I'm fine!Yeah, you smell fine.

我没事 是的 你看上去像没事吗

Just stop, ok?Come on, man. Come on.

别管我 老兄 别这样

Oh, my god, your hand.No, no, no, it's fine.

天啊 你的手 没事的

Is it deep? How bad is it?

划的深吗 我看看有多严重

Come on!But...I saw it, it was...

我看看 但我刚才明明看到

He missed.It's not my blood.

他失手了 不是我的血

- See? I'm fine. - No, no, no.

-看 我没事 -不是啊

I...I saw it. The glass cut your hand. It was...It's ok. I'm ok.

我明明看到玻璃划伤了你的手啊 没事 我很好

It's almost kick-off time, all right?


So, um,I'll, uh, I'll see you after the game.

那么 比赛后见
