欧美文化博览 天才史蒂夫·乔布斯改变世界(15)(在线收听


But not everybody is a fan of Apple's growing influence on the music world. iTunes almost single-handedly wiped out traditional music stores. Tower records declares bankruptcy. The national music chains and plus. There have been some holdouts to iTunes. I can understand their point. Why is my song worth the same as some, you know, Bavarian folk tune, right? It's not. This is pop music. I'm Kid Rock.


But the music industry is no match for Steve Jobs. Now defining itself as more than any single product, Apple drops the word "computer" from its official corporate name.


You just look at your Apple product, a little bit more than you would look at something else. You don't sit there with you remote control at home and just like ogle it and sort of just mentally feel it up. But you do with Apple products and you did with the iPod.

