英国新闻听力 伊拉克通过新的选举法(在线收听

Leading United States officials have said the American military will continue its presence in Afghanistan for a number of years despite beginning to withdraw in 2011. In a series of media appearances, officials stressed that the date should be seen as the beginning of handing over responsibility to Afghan forces. Imtiaz Tyab reports from Washington.

Speaking on a Sunday morning political chat show, the Defense Secretary Robert Gates said that despite President Obama’s plan to begin withdrawing the troops from the region in July, 2011, the US was likely to maintain a significant military presence in Afghanistan for a number of years. The Defense Secretary said the pullout date was set to underline the urgent need for the Afghans to speed up recruiting and training soldiers and getting them into the field. A comment’s followed criticism from opposition Republicans, who say announcing a withdrawal date send a dangerous signal to insurgents.

Clashes have broken out at the Greek capital Athens on the first anniversary of the killing of a teenager by police. Demonstrators threw stones at riot police who fired teargas. There were similar clashes in the city of Thessaloniki. From Athens, Malcolm Brabant.

Last December, after the alleged murder of Alexander Grigoropoulos, the conservative government ordered the police to take a passive stance and allow protesters to give rein to their fury. The result in damage to city centers across the country was so extensive that it helped to convince Greek voters to kick out the conservatives. The new socialist government is determined not to repeat the same mistake and ordered the police to crack down on any violence. Officers corralled demonstrators into restricted areas and denied them the chance to run amok. Snatch squads on motorbikes roamed the streets and carried out a number of arrests.

Earlier, the mother of the teenager killed last year had called for calm. The killing sparked more than two weeks of rioting.

The second round of voting in Romania’s presidential election has ended with both candidates claiming victory. Exit polls suggested the narrowest of leads for Mircea Geoana, the Social Democrat over Traian Basescu who’s been the president for the past five years. From neighboring Hungary, Nick Thrope reports.

The result of this election is still too close to call. Three exit polls suggest a narrow lead for Mircea Geoana, the head of the Social Democrats by between one and three percent. But their predictions are based on the voter research up to 5:00, four hours before voting stations finally closed. During the first round two weeks ago, there was a last minute flurry of voting. And estimates suggest turnout will be higher than the 54% who turned out then. Votes from Romanians abroad could also influence the outcome.

Some news just in. The Iraqi parliament has approved a new electoral law, ending weeks of political uncertainty. However, correspondents say that even with the new law, it’s not clear if a parliamentary election can take place in January as planned.

The government of Somalia has sacked the heads of the army and the police, days after a suicide bombing in the capital Mogadishu that killed more than 20 people including three government ministers. Officials said President Sharif Ahmed wanted to develop a new strategy to counter an armed insurgency by Islamist militants.

Voting has ended in the general election in Bolivia, in which President Evo Morales says open to a second term as president and consolidate his socialist party’s control of Congress. Mr. Morales says he needs more time to implement his sweeping social programs. However, Opposition leaders have blamed him for the recent rise in cocaine protection. From La Paz, Andres Schipani reports.

"After almost four years of harsh political polarisation, Bolivia’s President Evo Morales seems to be sailing toward a landslide victory in these presidential elections. Mr. Morales won sweeping victories in a recall vote in August last year and take constitutional referendum in January due to votes from the country’s poor indigenous majority. His main opposition contenderManfred Reyes Villa has accused Mr. Morales of being totalitarian. But these accusations have not dented his popularity."

Medical officials in Morocco said the Military Leader of Guinea, Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, is doing well after undergoing surgery for bullet wounds. Doctors said Captain Camara had received treatment for trauma to the cranium. Captain Camara was shot on Thursday by a military aide who is now gone into hiding.

United Nations Climate Chief Yvo deBoer says he is hoping for a clear and ambitious deal to combat the global warming at the Copenhagen Climate Conference that begins on Monday. He called for a strong, long term response that will become a turning point. Mr. deBoer said the chances of success have been boosted because many countries had announced targets for cutting their emissions of greenhouse gases. The vast majority of scientists agreed that these emissions are heating the planet to dangerous levels.

美国政府高级官员表示,即使美军从2011年开始撤军,美国军队也会在阿富汗停留几年时间。在一系列新闻媒体中露面时,官员们强调,该日期应该被视为开始向阿富汗力量移交责任的日期。Imtiaz Tyab在华盛顿报道。


一名青少年被警察杀害一周年之际,希腊首都雅典爆发冲突。示威者向释放催泪瓦斯的防暴警察投掷石块。在萨洛尼卡也发生了类似的冲突。Malcolm Brabant在雅典报道。

去年12月份,Alexander Grigoropoulos被谋杀之后,保守派政府下令警察采取消极的姿态,允许抗议者释放自己的愤怒情绪。抗议活动对全国各地市中心的损害非常广泛,这使得希腊投票者决定让保守党下台。新的社会主义政府决心不要重复同样的错误,下令警方镇压任何暴力活动。警察将示威者关押在禁区之内,使他们没有机会横冲直撞。摩托车追捕队在街道上巡逻,已经发生了几次逮捕事件。


罗马尼亚总统选举第二轮投票结束,两名候选人均宣称获胜。出口处民意调查显示社会民主党候选人欧阿纳(Mircea Geoana)以轻微优势领先于巴谢斯古(Traian Basescu)。在过去的五年,巴谢斯古(Traian Basescu)一直担任总统。Nick Thrope在邻国匈牙利报道。




玻利维亚总统选举投票工作结束,总统埃沃·莫拉莱斯希望担任总统第二任期,巩固其社会主义党派对国会的控制。莫拉莱斯说,他需要更多的时间来实施自己广泛的社会主义项目。然而,反对派领袖指责他最近对可卡因的保护。拉巴斯,Andres Schipani报道。

经过接近四年严厉的政治极端主义之后,玻利维亚总统埃沃·莫拉莱斯似乎将在总统选举中获得压倒性的胜利。在去年八月份举行的回顾性投票中,莫拉莱斯获得了彻底的胜利。1月份还举行了新宪法全民公投,获得了本地居民的大多数选票。主要的反对派竞争者Manfred Reyes Villa指控莫拉莱斯极权主义。但是这些指控并未损害莫拉莱斯的声望。


联合国气候变化秘书处执行秘书德布尔(Yvo De Boer)表示,他希望在周一开始举行的哥本哈根气候会议上能够达成明确的,有抱负的协议。他呼吁大家做出强烈的长期的反应,能够成为转折点。德布尔表示,由于许多国家宣布了减少温室气体排放量的目标,成功的机会已经得到增强。大多数科学家一直认为,温室气体排放导致地球变暖已经达到危险的水平。
