英国新闻听力 瑞典颁发猎狼许可证(在线收听

Parliament in Afghanistan has rejected more than two-thirds of President Hamid Karzai’s proposed new cabinet, dealing him a serious political blow. Those rejected include a former warlord who is accused of human rights abuses. Peter Greste reports from Kabul.

This has been a tortuous process with a painful outcome for President Karzai. The laborious secret ballot ran throughout Saturday, and by its close, only seven of his cabinet of 24 had managed to get the support of majority of parliamentarians. The rest, 17 in all, were rejected. They include Ismail Khan, a former warlord and perhaps the most controversial cabinet nomination. President Karzai wanted him to run the Ministry of Energy and Water. Guantu is the only female minister along with the nominations for justice, commerce,energy, economy, public health and communications.

A Somali man has appeared in court in Denmark charged with trying to murder a Danish artist whose cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed sparked riots and protests among Muslims around the world. Muslim organizations in Denmark have condemned the attack.Julian Isherwood reports from Copenhagen.

Rolled into court on a stretcher with a cover over his face to prevent him from being recognized, the man denied all charges brought against him over attempting to kill Kurt Westergaard and a policeman. KurtWestergaard was one of the 12 Danish cartoonists who in 2005 produced drawings of the Prophet Mohammed which incensed many Muslims. For the past four years,Mr. Westergaard has been under police protection because of several death threats.

President Obama has for the first time said a group linked to Al–Qaeda was behind the failed attack on an American airliner on Christmas Day.In his weekly radio and video address, he said the young Nigerian man Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab had traveled to Yemen and had been equipped,trained and directed to carry out the attack. President Obama said all those involved would be held to account and the US government would continue to work closely with Yemen to fight terrorism.

"As president, I made a priority to strengthen our partnership with the Yemeni government, training and equipping their security forces,sharing intelligence and working with them to strike al-Qaeda terrorists. And even before Christmas Day we have seen the results.Training camps have been struck, leaders eliminated, plots disrupted. And all those involved in the attempted act of terrorism on Christmas must know, you too will be held to account."

Villagers in northwest Pakistan have been mourning the victims of a suicide attack on spectators at a sports event. More than 90 people died, many more were wounded, by the explosion at a volleyball tournament near the town of Lakki Marwat on Friday. The United States condemned the attack and said it would continue supporting Pakistan’s efforts to combat extremism and bolster democracy. For his part, the Pakistani President Asif Zardari said such attacks wouldn’t weaken his government’s resolve to fight terrorism.

A town in central Somalia has been captured by Islamic militants of Al-Shabab. At least 10 people were killed during fighting for the town to Dhusamareb. It had been held by Ahlu-Sunnah, a group that follows a Sufi form of Islam which is rejected by Al-Shabab.

Pirates have hijacked two more ships off the Somali coast, bringing to four the number of vessels seized this week. The latest targets were an Indonesia-owned chemical tanker heading for India, and a British-flagged cargo ship carrying cars from Singapore to Saudi Arabia. The European Union's anti-piracy task force said the car transporter was well outside the area patrolled by its warships.

The son of the late dissident cleric Grand Ayatollah Hoseyn Ali Montazeri has urged the Iranian authorities to reach a compromise with the opposition to avoid what he called catastrophic consequences.Speaking by phone from his home in Qom, Saeed Montazeri said Iran’s rulers should come to their senses and take the path of national reconciliation. His statement echoed that of the opposition leader Mir Hussein Moussavi who urged the government on Friday to calm the situation by accepting people’s rights to peaceful protest and introducing reforms.

And Sweden is issuing licenses to permit wolf hunting for the first time since the 1960s. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has decided that 27 wolves can be shot between now and mid-February. James Rodgers reports.

Having waited almost half a century for the right to shoot wolves,Swedish hunters have been out in large numbers. Radio Sweden’s website has reported that more than half of the permitted number of wolves has already been killed on only the first day of a season that is due to last until Feb, 15th. The 27 wolves which can legally be shot represent just over 10% of Sweden's wolf population. The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation has criticized the decision, arguing that the wolf is an endangered species.

阿富汗议会拒绝了总统卡尔扎伊提议的超过三分之二的新内阁成员,这对卡尔扎伊来说是一个沉重的政治打击。被拒绝者包括被指控践踏人权的前军阀。Peter Greste在喀布尔报道。

对于总统卡尔扎伊来说,这是一个曲折的过程,痛苦的结果。艰难的无记名投票在周六进行,截止到结束时,新提议的24名内阁成员只有7人获取了大多数议员的支持。其他17人均被拒绝。其中包括前军阀Ismail Khan,这可能是最有争议的内阁提名。卡尔扎伊总统希望由Ismail Khan来掌管能源和水资源部门。Guantu是唯一一名女性部长,还有对司法,商务,能源,经济,公共卫生和通信部门的提名也被拒绝。

丹麦一名艺术家关于先知穆罕默德的漫画引发了全世界穆斯林的暴动和抗议。被指控试图谋杀这名艺术家的一名索马里男子在丹麦法庭出庭。丹麦穆斯林组织谴责了这次袭击事件。Julian Isherwood在哥本哈根报道。

这名男子被担架抬进法庭,脸被罩住,以防被人认出。这名男子否认了关于他试图谋杀Kurt Westergaard和一名警察的所有控诉。Kurt Westergaard是2005年制作先知穆罕默德图画的12名丹麦艺术家之一。他们的作品激怒了许多穆斯林。由于几次死亡威胁,过去四年,Westergaard一直被警方保护。



巴基斯坦西北部村民悼念在体育赛事上发生的自杀式袭击的遇难者。周五,Lakki Marwat镇排球比赛上发生的爆炸事件导致超过90人死亡,多人受伤。美国对这次袭击事件进行谴责,并表示将继续支持巴基斯坦打击极端主义,推进民主进程的努力。巴基斯坦总统扎尔达里表示,这样的袭击不会削弱政府打击恐怖主义的决心。

索马里中部一座城镇被伊斯兰好战分子激进青年党占领。在争夺Dhusamareb的战斗中,至少10人死亡。该镇原本由Ahlu Sunnah控制,该组织信奉苏菲派(Sufi)伊斯兰教,受到青年党的排斥。


已故牧师大阿亚图拉侯赛因阿里蒙塔泽里之子敦促伊朗当局与反对派达成妥协,以避免他说说的灾难性的后果。Saeed Montazeri在库姆家中通过电话表示,伊朗统治者必须恢复理智,采取全国和解的道路。他的声明与反对派领袖穆萨维的说法相互辉映。周五,穆萨维敦促政府接受人民进行和平抗议和进行改革的权利,以使局势平静下来。

自60年代以来,瑞典首次颁发猎狼许可证。瑞典环境保护署决定,从现在到2月中旬,总共可以捕杀27头狼。James Rodgers报道。

