英国新闻听力 JP摩根银行利润大幅上涨(在线收听

The United States says it's committing every available resource to help hundreds of thousands of earthquake survivors in Haiti. Helicopters from the aircraft carrier Carl Vinson have begun delivering supplies to the capital Port-au-Prince. 10,000 more US troops are expected in Haiti by Monday to help distribute aid and maintain security. But the situation in the capital remains desperate. Survivors have been seen begging for food and water. Hospitals are overcrowded with thousands of injured but lack the resources to treat them. Our correspondent to the capital Port-au-Prince, Nick Davis, says many people can no longer sit around waiting for help.

People very much are fending for themselves at the moment. I have seen people going to buildings which have collapsed where there are broken pipes the water spilling onto the ground and going up to the actual water which is on the floor and actually scooping it up in some cases. People are using whatever methods they can to try and survive while the international relief effort actually finally reaches them and help arrives.

The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has announced the launch of an international aid appeal worth 500 million dollars to help the rescue operation.

The US Defense Secretary Robert Gates says a Pentagon review of the circumstances surrounding last November's mass shooting at the Fort Hood military base has found that not enough has been done to guard against such internal security threats. Mr. Gates presented the findings of an enquiry into the shootings which left 13 soldiers dead and more than 40 injured. He says similar incidents could happen again.

The report raises serious questions about the degree to which the entire Department of Defense has prepared for similar incidents in the future, especially multiple, simultaneous incidents. It also reveals shortcomings in the way that the department is prepared to defend against threats posed by external influences operating on members of our military community.

Guinea's military leaders have agreed that the man who led the coup in 2008 Captain Moussa Dadis Camara will not return to the country for the time being. He's recovering in Burkina Faso after an assassination attempt six weeks ago. The leaders announced that he would now support the efforts of the interim head of the government General Sekouba Konate to restore civilian rule in the country. Caspar Leighton reports.

All including Captain Camara himself have seemingly agreed that he should remain in Burkina Faso, and that his Deputy General Sekouba Konate should continue to lead the military government into the transition process. In Conakry, Guinea's opposition has agreed on two possible candidates to lead the transition government, leaving the final choice to General Konate. Elections will take place within six months. This double breakthrough is the most positive sign yet that Guinea may emerge from its crisis without further bloodshed and unrest.

The New York-based bank JP Morgan has reported a huge jump in its profits for the fourth quarter of last year. The bank, one of a number of institutions to receive support in the US government bailout, posted a quarterly profit of almost 3.3 billion dollars, compared to just over 700 million in the same period last year. Alongside the hefty profits, JP Morgan is also expected to announce huge bonuses for its staff.

Iraq's Electoral Commission has decided to bar nearly 500 candidates from contesting parliamentary elections in March in a move that could increase sectarian tension. The commission has declined to confirm reports that many of those facing bans are Sunni Arab politicians.

In a clash between two of Africa's top footballing nations, Ivory Coast have beaten Ghana by 3 goals to 1 in their group B match in the Angolan enclave of Cabinda. The teams are in the same group in which Togo would have played had they not pull out following the gun attack on their bus in Cabinda a week ago. Here is Matthew Cannon in Cabinda.

A packed crowd watched the entertaining game in the Chiazi Stadium in Cabinda with the locals providing vocal support, especially for Ivory Coast. There was a celebratory atmosphere with security well in evidence after what happened to the Togo team, but not overbearing. As normal in the last few days, helicopters flew over head with armed police on board. But Ivory Coast's 3:1 win over Ghana was celebrated loudly by the local fans, delighted at last, they'll be talking about football.

A plant making nuclear weapons in Texas has been ordered to temporarily shut down due to a security alert. The plant run by the Pantex group in the town of Amarillo received reports of people dressed in camouflage sneaking around the facility. However, they turned out to be hunters stalking ducks. A spokesman for the plant told the BBC the huntsmen had a permit to be there, but had failed to remind security staff of their whereabouts.

美国表示其正利用一切可用资源帮助数十万海地地震幸存者。来自“卡尔·文森”号航空母舰的直升飞机已开始向海地首都太子港运送补给物资。预期,周一将有另外10,000美国军队抵达海地,帮助实施救援,维护安全。但是首都依然是一片绝望的景象。幸存者已经在乞讨食物和水。医院挤满了数千名伤者,但是缺乏足够的资源进行治疗。我们驻太子港记者Nick Davis表示,许多人已经不能再耐心地坐着等待帮助。





几内亚军方领袖已同意,在2008年发动军事政变的穆沙˙达迪斯˙卡马拉 (Moussa Dadis Camara) 暂不回国。自六周前在一次暗杀事件中受伤,卡马拉一直在布基纳法索接受康复治疗。军方领袖称,卡马拉现在支持政府临时领导人塞古巴-科纳特(Sekouba Konate)恢复平民统治的努力。Caspar Leighton报道。

包括卡马拉本人在内的所有人似乎都同意他继续留在布基纳法索,由其副手塞古巴-科纳特(Sekouba Konate)将军继续领导军事政府进入过渡期。在科纳克里,几内亚反对派一致选出两名候选人领导过渡政府,最终的决定权则交给科纳特将军,六个月之内将举行选举。这两项重大突破最积极的标志,反映了几内亚可能在不经过进一步的流血和骚乱的情况下走出危机。



两只非洲强队在安哥拉卡宾达B组比赛中对决,象牙海岸以3:1击败了加纳。如果一周前多哥没有因巴士遭遇枪击而退出,他们将与多哥同组比赛。Matthew Cannon在卡宾达报道。


