英国新闻听力 乌克兰大选美女总理进二轮角逐(在线收听

Emergency aid is finally reaching some parts of Haiti's devastated capital Port-au-Prince with relief workers and the US military distributing water and food to victims of Tuesday's earthquake. But demand is still far outstripping supply. Michelle Chouinard the head of Médecins Sans Frontières in Haiti, says that their problem is trying to get aid materials into the airport. She was asked what the charity was managing to achieve.

"There is still thousands of people waiting for treatment. We've done everything we can with the means that we have now, to treat as many people as possible. The priority right now is still to get people to surgery. So now we will be starting to set up our hospital, it's a hundred-bed-hospital with two operating theaters, in terms of care work and a emergency room and will be able to hospitalize the patients, following the surgical intervention.

Reporting now from the Haitian capital, here is Nick Davis.

In this highly Christian country, there are still songs of prays being sung in church, but also prayers for the dead and dying. The rescue operations continue to pull out survivors. But as the days, hours and minutes pass, hopes fade. This is the largest international rescue operation ever undertaken, but already some countries are pulling out, this likelihood of finding people alive diminishes.

Gangs of Muslim men and Christian youth have clashed in the central Nigerian city of Jos. The scene of religious and ethnic riots in 2008. Churches and mosques were burnt, at least 7 people are reported to have been killed and many injured. Caroline Duffield reports from Lagos.

The violence erupted in the western part of the city of Jos. One aid worker who spoke to the BBC, said at least 58 people have been taken to hospital, many of them suffering from machete wounds. Riot police and Nigerian military have imposed a dusk to dawn curfew. Jos has been a scene of repeated clashes between different communities in recent years. The violence is often blamed on sectarianism between Muslims and Christians. But in reality, it is nearly always about economic rivalries, landownership and battle for political power between different communities.

The leader of Guinea's military government Captain Moussa Dadis Camara has confirmed that he supports the deal that hands power to his deputy and paves the way for a return to civilian rule. Speaking in Burkina Faso where he's been recuperating from an assassination attempt, Captain Camara called for reconciliation and urged Guineans to support democracy. On Friday, he agreed not to return to Guinea for the time being. Guinea's opposition leaders have welcomed the deal.

The Islamic Solidarity Games which are due to be held in Iran in April have been canceled because of a dispute between Iran and Arab countries over how to refer to the gulf. The Saudi Arabian based games federation said the Iranian organizers had failed to address its concerns, particularly over the planned logo and medals The Israel's strip with the words Persian Gulf. Arab countries rejected this as the description, calling it the Arabian Gulf.

Exit polls published after the end of voting in the Ukrainian presidential election, suggest that no candidate has won an outright majority.But the current president Viktor Yushchenko has been eliminated. There will be a second round of voting on February 7th. Gabriel Gatehouse reports from Kiev.

If the exit polls are correct, then Viktor Yanukovych will face the current Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko in a run-off on the 7th of February. She was instrumental in bringing the current President, Viktor Yushchenko to power during the Orange Revolution. Now though, his support has evaporated, and she is portraying herself as the inheritor of the Orange Mental. But the most remarkable transformation has been for Viktor Yanukovych. Five years ago, he was portraited as the villain of the Orange Revolution, tarnished by allegation of vote-rigging and open support from Moscow. Now though, both leading candidates here favor a closer ties with the Kremlin after five years of rising tentions.

Pope Banedict has once again defended the Vatican's conduct during the Second World War, saying that the Roman Catholic Church often provided what he called hidden and discreet help to Jews threaten by the Nazis' holocaust. The Pope was speaking while visiting Rome's main synagogue, only the second time a Roman Catholic Premier has done so. The visit has caused controversy among some Jewish groups. The Pope's decision to move his wartime predecessor piors the 12th closed synagogue had angered some Jewish groups.

紧急救援最终到达海地被毁坏的首都太子港的部分地区,救援人员和美国军队正在向周二地震的受害者分发食物和水。但是需求仍然远远超过供应。无国界医生组织(Médecins sans Frontières,MSF)负责人Michelle Chouinard表示,目前他们的问题是将救济物资运入机场。记者问道,目前该慈善机构可以进行哪些工作。

“仍然有数千人等待治疗。我们已经做到在现有条件下可以进行的所有工作,尽量治疗最多的人。当务之急是给伤者进行手术。所以,现在我们在开始设立自己的医院,共有100张病床,2个手术室。在护理工作方面,设有一个急诊室,在进行手术之后,可以让病人住院。”下面是Nick Davis从海地首都发回的报道。



尼日利亚中部城市乔斯一群穆斯林男子和基督徒年轻人发生冲突。2008年也曾发生类似的宗教和种族暴乱。教堂和清真寺被烧毁,至少7人死亡,多人受伤。Caroline Duffield在拉各斯报道。


几内亚军事政府领袖穆沙˙达迪斯˙卡马拉 (Moussa Dadis Camara) 已确认支持将全力移交给其副手的决议,为恢复平民统治铺平了道路。自


原定于4月份在伊朗举行的伊斯兰团结运动会(Islamic Solidarity Games)被取消,原因是伊朗和阿拉伯国家在海湾的称呼方面存在争议。位于沙特阿拉伯的比赛联盟表示,伊朗组织者未解决他们的担忧,尤其是计划的logo和奖章方面。以色列希望称海湾为波斯湾,而阿拉伯国家则不同意,他们希望叫做阿拉伯湾。

乌克兰总统选举结束后的选后测验显示,任何一个候选人都未获得大多数选票。但是现任总统维克托·尤先科(Viktor Yushchenko)已被剔除。2月7日将举行第二轮决定性投票。Gabriel Gatehouse在基辅报道。

如果选后测验比较准确,亚努科维奇将在2月7日的二轮角逐中面临现任总理尤利娅·季莫申科(Yulia Tymoshenko)。橙色革命期间,季莫申科曾帮助尤先科上台。然而现在,随着对尤先科的支持逐渐下降,季莫申科认为自己是橙色精神的继承人。但是最显著的转变就是亚努科维奇。五年前,他还被描述为橙色革命的恶棍,被指控操纵投票,获取莫斯科的支持。而现在,经过5年的紧张关系后,两名为首的候选人都希望与克里姆林宫建立更密切的关系。

