2020年经济学人 一周要闻 波音公布新市场预测 沃尔纳出售ASDA Cineworld关闭英、美影院(在线收听

A committee in America’s House of Representatives accused Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google of exploiting their monopoly power, comparing them to oil and railway tycoons in the 19th century, and recommended sweeping reforms to antitrust laws. That could spell trouble for the tech giants if the Democrats win both chambers of Congress next month.


Boeing’s annual outlook for the overall aerospace industry forecast an 11% drop in demand for commercial planes over the next decade, compared with last year’s forecast. Over the next 20 years, it predicts passenger-traffic growth will return to pre-pandemic levels of 4% a year.


Walmart at last found a buyer for Asda, a British supermarket chain that it bought in 1999 and has been trying to sell for more than two years. The new owner in the 6.8bn pounds ($8.7bn) deal is a consortium led by Zuber and Mohsin Issa. The brothers run eg Group, which operates petrol stations and food concessions across ten countries, and owns many Kentucky Fried Chicken franchises in Britain.

沃尔玛终于为英国连锁超市Asda找到了买家。Asda是沃尔玛在1999年收购的一家英国连锁超市,两年多来沃尔玛一直想要出售这家超市。这笔价值68亿英镑(87亿美元)的交易的买主是一个由Zuber和Mohsin Issa领导的财团。兄弟俩经营EG集团,该集团在10个国家经营加油站和食品特许经营,并在英国拥有许多肯德基连锁店。

Bristol-Myers Squibb made another big acquisition, agreeing to pay $13.1bn for MyoKardia, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company specialising in treatments for heart disease. Last year Bristol-Myers Squibb bought Celgene for $90bn, one of the largest-ever deals in the drug industry.

百时美施贵宝(Bristol-Myers Squibb)又进行了一笔大型收购,同意以131亿美元收购MyoKardia。MyoKardia是一家专注于心脏病治疗的临床生物制药公司。去年,百时美施贵宝以900亿美元收购了Celgene,这是制药业有史以来规模最大的交易之一。

Cineworld decided to close all its cinemas in America and Britain until next year, after the release date of “No Time To Die”, the next James Bond film, was again postponed, until April. Already struggling as social-distancing keeps the crowds away from its venues, Cineworld was banking on what would have been this year’s biggest box-office draw. Other films have been delayed, some have gone straight to streaming. Many in the industry believe lavish blockbusters need to be seen in cinemas first in order to create the all-important buzz.

Cineworld决定在明年前关闭位于美国和英国的所有电影院,因为下一部詹姆斯·邦德电影《No Time to Die》的上映日期再次被推迟到4月份。由于社交距离限制措施导致影院空空如也,Cineworld已经在勉强维持,该公司本来寄希望于这部有望今年最大票房亮点的影片。其他电影也被推迟上映,一些电影直接通过流媒体的途径上映。许多业内人士认为,为了制造最重要的轰动效应,豪华大片需要先在电影院上映。
