
“Miss it and they get on your back,” said Tony.


He adopted a manager’s whine: “You’ve done three MURs less than you should have done this week.”


A Boots pharmacist from another region described to me a recent staff awayday at which


he and his colleagues were told: “400 MURs is an expectation now. We don’t need to tell you that.”


I have seen a 2008 email from a Boots area manager in yet another part of the country that states:


I personally don’t want colleagues to feel ‘brow-beaten’,


but we do need to deliver our targets of 400 MCUs (medicine check-ups – another name for MURs) per store this financial year for two reasons:


1. Delivering 400 MCUs is a measure of Excellent Patient Care.

1. 提供400次药物使用检查是对优秀病人护理的一种衡量。

2. The company can make 28 pounds profit for each MCU, so each one we don’t deliver is a lost 28 pounds.

2. 公司可以凭每次药物使用检查赚28磅的利润,所以每少一次就是损失28英镑。

So keen was Tony’s store to make that profit, he claims it did reviews on anyone, no matter how unsuitable.


Tony himself was told to have one – and to give one to a patient with severe dementia.


His manager came in for one – no sooner had it begun than she walked out, but it still went towards the total.


All so the shop could earn that extra 11,200 pounds from a scheme intended to help the sick.


(Asked to comment, Boots said: “We make it clear to our colleagues that these services should not be undertaken inappropriately.”)

