
"So we are making sure we are forming our letters correctly…" At Saint Jan de Chatal Elemental School in Berthersder, cursive writing is still king.

“我们现在正在练习草书……”在Berthersder的圣Jan de Chatal小学,书法仍然是一门重要课程。

"By the time they come to 4th grade, we are cursive all the time." Kale Cooper's class practices writing graceful flowing script.

“在学生4年级的时候,他们会有更多的书法课。” Kale Cooper班上的学生正在训练如何写出优雅流畅的字母。

"How many of you like to write cursive? Raise your hand. All of you." "To connect those letters. It looks really cool when it's connected." "So you can get your work much faster , cause you don't have to pick up your pencil."


But technology has erased cursive's popularity. Keyboarding and texting have taken over, it seems. And by high school many kids are back to printing.


"It's easier to write in print. It's faster. You have to take a lot of notes, so you just right to print."


"They stop teaching everyone. And I just like got used to doing print, and never got the hand of using cursive."


What happened? Jane Awson, founder of a new simpler style of cursive used by Arlington and other school districts, says teachers don't learn how to use penmanship any more. So they don't enforce it. They let students print. And students forget how to write cursive. Awson argues script is faster and conveys maturity.

为什么会这样?阿林顿(美国马萨诸塞州一城市)和其他校区都在使用简易的草体字,草书爱好者Jane Awson表示,教师不再教授书法,因此他们不再注重书法。教师们要求学生手写,但学生们忘记了草书的写法。Awson认为手写快速,对熟练程度的要求又高。

"If you are writing something, and a person looking at it says 'Oh, that looks like a second grader did that', that doesn't give a real good impression." That's she says to mind those Bs and Qs and keep the cursive flowing.


cursive 草体字母,草体字
